Monday, December 30, 2019

Serving in the Army - 1195 Words

Serving in the army In America, serving in the army is often associated with respect and honour. From an outsider’s view, America has always been a very patriotic country based on a strong passion for freedom and democracy. So is that the driving power that makes so many young American men and women to enlist themselves in the Army? Yet it seems that not everyone looks upon the army with the same amount of respect, and maybe America today isn’t as patriotic as it used to be. In the text â€Å"A soldier’s story: War affects whole family† the parents of Army Sergeant Ryan Kahlor express their recent opposition to the army, after their son’s traumatizing experience. Ryan Kahlor’s father explains he had felt a patriotic surge after the†¦show more content†¦That idea is that all human beings have a God-given right to be free.† And therefore, when people serve in the military: â€Å"They are defending the idea of America itself.† At last she also uses the appeal form ethos by quoting both John McCain and Ronald Reagan. So by using all of her rhetoric skills, she can easily convince a lot of people to believe in what she is trying to convey. I think Sarah Palin is on the right track concerning her ideas on what motivates young people to fight for their country. I think that defending democracy and freedom and defending what your country stands for, is a very big motivation for young Americans. And I believe that a lot of young people are willing to risk their lives to defend the values they have grown up with and believe so highly in. It can also be a big motivation that they are helping someone else. They are fighting for someone else to have a better future and to make broken countries work again. But sometimes the media and politicians idealize war, mainly in patriotic countries like America. Sarah Palin is especially idealizing war as a very honourable and brave act, which can encourage a lot of young people to seek that recognition of being brave and admirable. Following September 11, a lot of people felt very angry and vengeful, not only in America but in other democratic countries as well, and therefore they wanted to see justice done. Also, nobody wants somethingShow MoreRelatedUnited States Military Since The American Revolutionary War Essay702 Words   |  3 Pages Muslims have been serving in the United States military since the American Revolutionary War. They have also served in World War I, World War II, Vietnam War. Also, Muslims has fought in a recent war to Gulf War, Iraq War, and War in Afghanistan. During the Civil War over two hundred and ninety Muslim fought. 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