Friday, December 6, 2019

Distributive Fairness of Yamaha Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Distributive Fairness of Yamaha. Answer: Distributive fairness (compensation part). my lecturer reviewed my report and he said very disappointed with my part. The whole 600 words report u were just keep talking about the procedural fairness. I asked you to write a report of 600 words, u must write PROCEDURAL FAINESS in 300 words and DISTRIBUTIVE FAIRNESS(compensation) in 300 words). Coz it is too separate theories. But here, at the end of the recommendation u said Yamaha need to compensate the target market. U also need to explain how u are going to compensate the target market which is called distributive fairness-It is the perceived fairness of outcome or decision. It is viewed as a comparison of the ratio of outputs(benefits)to inputs (sacrifices including monetary and non-monetary) of both parties. For example: apologies or compensation to rectify service failure. U need to explain this further in 300 words. Also,pls use servicemarketing terms in the report such as target market rather using clients. Below part I had to rewrite myself.Plstake a look and explain on DISTRIBUTIVE FAINESS as a continuation of below part. Pls use the same word file to write. Since I have done some editing, u need to read below part and continue writing from where I stop (DISTRIBUTIVE FAIRNESS) so that the flow will be there. And make sure u use below list of references (add 2 more references about distributive fairness) Journal of the Academy ofMarketing Service. Journal of Marketing Journal of Service Research European Journal of Marketing International Journal of Service management Journal of Business Research Journal of Marketing Research Journal of professional services Marketing Journal of Services Marketing Marketing Intelligence and Planning Psychology and Marketing Recommendation Review Screening Process It must be the sole duty and responsibility of Yamaha to see that they are treatingthe target market with equal rights and opportunities. There must never be any kind of discrimination done amongst the target market based on their demographics or even their physical disabilities (Mattila, Hanks and Wang 2014, 553). It is therefore, recommended that Yamaha to ensure that it carries on its screening tests very carefully, following the rules and regulations and attending all trainings and briefings on the screening process (Mattila, Hanks and Wang 2014, 553). Consequently, this will increase customer satisfaction and service quality which eventually lead to brand loyalty and spreading of positive word-of-mouth communication. Such recommendation had reflected that Yamaha had acted in its corporate social responsibility as it practicedprocedural fairness in its review processes or the screening review process. Such tangibility of the practiced procedural fairness will be beneficial for Ya maha as the target market will be able to positively perceive Yamaha and perceived it to be value for money (Homburg, Totzek and Krmer2014, 1123).Applying procedural fairness to the target markets application will enable Yamaha to make sure that they are never late in providing the right service to the target market (Ndubisi, Nataraajan and Lai 2014, 370). Yamaha can increase its level of sincerity in its service recovery measures by compensating the target market. Such compensation exhibited the distributive fairness practiced by Yamaha (Cui and Mallucci 2016, 269). In order to compensate the autistic student and his family, the Yamaha Company can apologize to them in order to compensate the monetary as well as the psychological loss. The family of the student had already spend a huge amount of ,money in making appointments with the Yamaha Company in order to teach music to their child, but as it did not happen and they were refused at the eleventh hour. So, they must be compensated both for the monetary and the non monetary loss. The non monetary loss is the psychological loss (Mattila, Hanks and Wang 2014, 553). In other words, the family has been emotionally and psychologically hurt as well. The unjust and irresponsible behaviour of the company had broken the psychological contract between the family and the contract as well. So, in order to overcome this mistake they can apologize to the boy and his family. They can apologize for not being fair in their contract. The apologising must be done because apart from the monetary loss, the family a lso has suffered from emotional and psychological set back as well. This is because of the fact that the family has suffered a lot from mental trauma as well. They have spent a huge amount of time and energy. Hence, the company must personally apologize from the family in order to show that they are sorry for the lack of procedural fairness present in their system. Apart from this, the family also has suffered from monetary loss. They invested a good sum of money in this entire process, before coming into contract. However the contract was broken by the company at the very eleventh hour; hence, the company must compensate the family by refunding them the entire amount of money. Yamaha Company has to take all these measures in order to implement and maintain the distributive fairness, so that the target audience can be properly compensated for any kind of loss, both on the monetary and non monetary level.

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