Saturday, December 14, 2019

Love Kills Slowly Free Essays

Amanda Miragliuolo Prof. T Woodard 1101/11:00-11:50 11-15-10 Research paper Love kills slowly Love is certainly a life learning experience. Whether if it’s good or bad, you still learn what to do in that situation if it arises again. We will write a custom essay sample on Love Kills Slowly or any similar topic only for you Order Now Usually people tend to think with their hearts and not their minds when it comes to love, I call it the love spell. When people fall in love their lives tend to get so much easier because they have someone to depend on and someone to talk to. However, there are unhealthy relationships as well that can make someone’s life miserable and only bring them down. Some of the most popular reasons why relationships fail are because of jealousy. If you cant trust your partner then there is no relationship. Another reason is due to lack of communication, which is much needed in a healthy loving relationship. Trust is one of the main reason why love fails. If you truly love somebody then you will put them first, no matter what and never doubt them. Being in love takes a lot of work and time, but in the end its worth every second. Jealousy is a big downfall in relationships. It can easily change how you feel about a person. Being jealous is basically assuming the worst about your partner and the situations that they are in. Sometimes jealousy is caused by your own actions. If you are unfaithful to your partner you are most likely going to question and be suspicious about your partners every move. Then of course that will lead to fighting and lying. These are things that you do not want to experience in a relationship, they will only stress you out and get you upset. I recently went through a life changing relationship and I came to find out that love really does open your eyes and make you a wiser person. My relationship with Patrick was a roller coaster, it will most definitely be an experience that I will never forget. Even though it was a very unhealthy relationship I am glad that It happened because it made me into the person I am today. Jealousy was a big factor in our relationship. Patrick would question every single thing that I did and he would usually not let me do anything without him. To me, that’s not what love is. As time went on jealousy took over him and I finally opened my eyes and realized why. He was cheating on me with my best friend. The jealousy that he had on me was because of his own actions with being unfaithful to me. Because he was doing this he thought it would be just as easy for me to do it too. This situation really got to me because I not only lost my boyfriend but I lost my best friend as well. Relationships shouldn’t be like this. It should be plain and simple, if you love somebody then be with them, and only them. Or just don’t be with them at all. Cheating is very common in relationships and that is when the trust disappears. Emotions coming from jealousy, usually escalate into trust issues. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, If you don’t have that then the relationship will fail. You cant say that you truly love somebody if you don’t trust them. A lot of hearts are broken because of lies and cheating. Healthy relationships have total and complete trust with one another and never doubt each others honesty. Unfortunately for me, its going to take a miracle for me to trust another guy with my heart again. However, the situation with Patrick only made me a stronger person. Experiencing the crying, screaming, and the violent heart pounding situations really changed me. Now I know when to get out of my possible future relationships when and if that person hits something if they are mad, or if I actually get scared of them like I felt with Patrick. I knew I needed to leave him when furniture went flying across the room, but I was thinking with my heart and not my head. The irony in this is that my best friend Gina knew all about this and held me while I cried on her shoulder and she is the one who he cheated on me with. Trust isn’t just in love relationships, its in friendships as well. As much as I miss being with my best friend everyday, I have learned and accepted that our friendship will never be the way it used to be. Love grows where trust is laid and it dies when it is betrayed. Communicating with your loved one should be nothing but a pleasure for you. Not in some cases. There are people in this world that are in relationships just for one reason, for sex. To me that’s called taking advantage of someone and not cherishing what sex is really supposed to mean between two people. Lack of communicating can also end a relationship quite fast as well. If you barely ever see or talk to your partner then what is the point in being with them? People should enjoy their relationships and they should love spending time with their partner. A relationship takes two people to work and the effort has to come equally from both sides. People need to appreciate who their with because their partner is with them to love and care them. Romantic relationships can be wonderful with the right person. A relationship with the wrong individual however can lead to years of heartache, emotional damage, and even physical damage. An unhealthy relationship can damage the way we feel about love and romance for the future. They can turn what is supposed to be a loving, supporting, and understanding relationship into a hating, unfaithful, and lying one. We all know to avoid people that appear insane or abusive and not select them as a dating partner. However, some individuals are better at hiding their personality and behavior abnormalities, like Patrick. Falling in love is going to take you on a wild roller coaster. With good or bad experiences, you will soon learn how to protect your heart. Usually people tend to think with their hearts and not their minds when it comes to love, I call it the love spell. Unhealthy relationships can make someone’s life miserable and only bring them down. Some of the most popular reasons why relationships fail are because of jealousy. Another reason is due to lack of communication, which is much needed in a healthy loving relationship. Trust is one of the main reasons why love fails. If you truly love somebody then you will never doubt them. Being in love is the greatest feeling in the world, you just have to be careful who you give your heart to. How to cite Love Kills Slowly, Papers

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