Wednesday, October 9, 2019

English skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English skills - Essay Example udying abroad, a lot of students are able to develop optimistic attitudes to other countries, as they are able to interact with other persons, and appreciate their way of living through research. An exposure to international experience is useful as it allows for international understanding. Crossman and Clarke (2009) say that working or studying abroad allows individuals have knowledge and awareness on the issues that relate to national and global issues. The benefit of global experience is in this case, one that allows individuals become accustomed, solve and expand their cultural scope of analysing issues. Through working and studying abroad, it is palpable that intercultural competence will be attained. Crossman and Clarke (2009) are of the opinion that having a touch with the international world allows for intercultural know-how. This competence relates to an ability to communicate well in various cultural contexts, as opposed to the usual native or indigenous context. Through the international curriculums set for the training institutions require an application of a singular language for all the various participants from the different contexts (Crossman and Clarke, 2009). Comprehensive learning is then achieved, as the diverse persons are able to comprehend the need of being a people as opposed to one cultural community. However, it is vital to note that attaining global competence is not only focused on the physical presence in countries in the abroad countries, but through other means like developing contacts with other individuals in these countries (Crossman and Clarke, 2009). With peer to peer education successful in numerous instances, Crossman and Clarke (2009) would not be wrong to argue that studying and working abroad allows for international patriotism, especially with individuals being more open minded with issues touching on international significance. Conclusively, it is warranted to say that working and studying abroad have a myriad of

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