Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Based on how technology, with particular emphasis on the internet and Essay

Based on how technology, with particular emphasis on the internet and computers, has changed world culture - Essay Example on, online education is less costly than going in another part of the country or going abroad and earning a degree (Online Education Database , par 2). This is indeed one of the major breakthroughs of the Internet age. Furthermore, doing research has never been easier than it is now. Gone are the days when one has to spend hours in the library. There is simply so much information within one’s reach. Globalization is another area which has benefitted much from the emergence of the Internet and computers. Better access to information and more efficient processing of information from Internet technology has helped businesses worldwide to improve its competitiveness and productivity (Zunairah 1). Marketing of products became less complicated with even a greater reach. Doing business and availing of products and services all over the world is less rigorous. Economic and political laws and policies of the different countries can easily be accessed, making it easier for companies to tap international markets. The Internet technology is not without its problems though. A major problem posed by the Internet is cyberbullying. The Internet and digital technologies gave birth to the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. These networks have made it easier for some people to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate and embarrass other individuals (WiredKids, Inc. , par 1). Another major drawback of the advancement in information technology is the rise in cybercrimes. The Internet has brought about the emergence of cybercrimes such as unwanted software, fraud, identity crime, phishing, crimes against the intellectual property rights and terrorism (Chantler 249). Computers and the Internet technology is probably one of the greatest invention of mankind. One believes that its benefits more than outweigh its detrimental effects. It would be hard to imagine life without computers and access to the Internet. For the Internet generation, eliminating these

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