Thursday, October 24, 2019

big bang theory Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Big Bang theory states that all the matter that is in the universe was once in a very small amount of space with infinite temperature, pressure, and density. This theory is well supported and there are many reason for it’s support. One main reason is that no one really has a clue and The Big Bang Theory seems far fetched but more reasonable than any other ideas that there are out there. Some of the important thing to know about the big bang to understand are the beginning and the few seconds immediately after the actually bang. Also what generally has happened since the then. It is important to know theories of how it will end as well, and to get a well rounded opinion, I feel it useful to have some of the other possibilities outlined. The best place to start is the beginning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the things that cosmologists are not yet sure about is the Big Bang itself. It is not yet possible to give a definitive answer to the questions: what was the Big Bang and why did it happen? However, there has been a great deal of speculation recently on this subject, and it may not be long before a definitive, or almost definitive, answer will be declared. For the moment we will simply take the Big Bang as it is given, a huge explosion in which time and space began expanding. It is important to realize that space itself originated in the Big Bang. IT is tempting to think of the universe before the Big Bang as being a vast, infinite, expanse of empty space, like the space between the galaxy clusters today. The Big Bang, then, would have flung matter into this nothingness, but this is not what happened. Space itself was created during the Big Bang. Einstein and all subsequent cosmologists have viewed space as being as real as matter. In fact, physicists now v iew empty space as a sea of â€Å"virtual particles†. So space is now expanding along with the galaxies and stars that exist with it and has been expanding ever since the Big Bang.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Actually, cosmologists actually have a clearer picture of what the universe was like during the period right after the Big Bang than they are about the universe today. The reason for this is universe was very simple, in comparison, then. The universe was filled with a hot soup of particles like a hot gas trapped in a box. The photons in the cosmic microwave bac... is only so much energy available in the universe for the building of new stars. Just as the law of thermodynamics tell us that a closed universe can’t go on forever, so they tell us that new stars cannot go on being created forever in an open universe. Eventually the last star will die out and will not be replace. The proton will eventually decay. After about a billion billion billion billion years, all atoms will fall apart, and matter as we know it will cease to exist. The universe will be a vast sea of leptons and messenger particles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One main, but unsupported, theory is that the universe was created by God. This theory is not excepted in the scientific community because in has no evidence to back it up. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a possibility. There are a few other theories of the creations of the universe, but no other theories are as excepted as the big bang theory. Some of the important stuff to know that I have covered is the eras right after the Big Bang, the Big Bang it self and a few of the possible endings to the universe. I hope with this information you can have a better understanding of the universe, its creation, and it’s endings.

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