Monday, December 30, 2019

Serving in the Army - 1195 Words

Serving in the army In America, serving in the army is often associated with respect and honour. From an outsider’s view, America has always been a very patriotic country based on a strong passion for freedom and democracy. So is that the driving power that makes so many young American men and women to enlist themselves in the Army? Yet it seems that not everyone looks upon the army with the same amount of respect, and maybe America today isn’t as patriotic as it used to be. In the text â€Å"A soldier’s story: War affects whole family† the parents of Army Sergeant Ryan Kahlor express their recent opposition to the army, after their son’s traumatizing experience. Ryan Kahlor’s father explains he had felt a patriotic surge after the†¦show more content†¦That idea is that all human beings have a God-given right to be free.† And therefore, when people serve in the military: â€Å"They are defending the idea of America itself.† At last she also uses the appeal form ethos by quoting both John McCain and Ronald Reagan. So by using all of her rhetoric skills, she can easily convince a lot of people to believe in what she is trying to convey. I think Sarah Palin is on the right track concerning her ideas on what motivates young people to fight for their country. I think that defending democracy and freedom and defending what your country stands for, is a very big motivation for young Americans. And I believe that a lot of young people are willing to risk their lives to defend the values they have grown up with and believe so highly in. It can also be a big motivation that they are helping someone else. They are fighting for someone else to have a better future and to make broken countries work again. But sometimes the media and politicians idealize war, mainly in patriotic countries like America. Sarah Palin is especially idealizing war as a very honourable and brave act, which can encourage a lot of young people to seek that recognition of being brave and admirable. Following September 11, a lot of people felt very angry and vengeful, not only in America but in other democratic countries as well, and therefore they wanted to see justice done. Also, nobody wants somethingShow MoreRelatedUnited States Military Since The American Revolutionary War Essay702 Words   |  3 Pages Muslims have been serving in the United States military since the American Revolutionary War. They have also served in World War I, World War II, Vietnam War. Also, Muslims has fought in a recent war to Gulf War, Iraq War, and War in Afghanistan. During the Civil War over two hundred and ninety Muslim fought. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bio Psycho Social Spiritual Cultural Analysis - 1705 Words

Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual-Cultural Analysis According to Hutchison (2013) the biopsychosocial approach used by many social workers is an examination of the biological, psychological, and social systems; all are seen as interconnected. In recent years the spiritual dimension has also gained popularity in research and recognition as being inseparable from other dimensions of personhood. Culture is also seen as a powerful environmental dimension that demands acknowledgment to truly gain insight into a person’s worldview. The following is a brief summary of these dimensions in regards to youths experiencing bullying. I will start by describing the biological dimensions of bullying victims, perpetrators, and bully-victims. Carpanzo et al. (2011) asserts that there are gender differences in bullying. While both biological genders participate equally in relational and physical aggression according to the study, physical aggression is more common in boys but relational aggression is equal between the sexes. Bullying was more stable across a two-year period and weighed more heavily on individual personality characteristics with the males in the study and girls were more influenced into participating in bullying behavior by social norms. A study by Fu et al. (2012) examined bullying victimization in twelfth graders between 1989 and 2009. The study aimed to find repetitive risk factors concerning socioeconomic status and behavioral characteristics. The result of the studyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of A Theoretical Orientation On Substance Abuse And Co Occurring Personality Disorders1750 Words   |à ‚  7 Pagesdiscuss the importance of having a theoretical orientation when working with individuals, families, and treatment groups. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Love Kills Slowly Free Essays

Amanda Miragliuolo Prof. T Woodard 1101/11:00-11:50 11-15-10 Research paper Love kills slowly Love is certainly a life learning experience. Whether if it’s good or bad, you still learn what to do in that situation if it arises again. We will write a custom essay sample on Love Kills Slowly or any similar topic only for you Order Now Usually people tend to think with their hearts and not their minds when it comes to love, I call it the love spell. When people fall in love their lives tend to get so much easier because they have someone to depend on and someone to talk to. However, there are unhealthy relationships as well that can make someone’s life miserable and only bring them down. Some of the most popular reasons why relationships fail are because of jealousy. If you cant trust your partner then there is no relationship. Another reason is due to lack of communication, which is much needed in a healthy loving relationship. Trust is one of the main reason why love fails. If you truly love somebody then you will put them first, no matter what and never doubt them. Being in love takes a lot of work and time, but in the end its worth every second. Jealousy is a big downfall in relationships. It can easily change how you feel about a person. Being jealous is basically assuming the worst about your partner and the situations that they are in. Sometimes jealousy is caused by your own actions. If you are unfaithful to your partner you are most likely going to question and be suspicious about your partners every move. Then of course that will lead to fighting and lying. These are things that you do not want to experience in a relationship, they will only stress you out and get you upset. I recently went through a life changing relationship and I came to find out that love really does open your eyes and make you a wiser person. My relationship with Patrick was a roller coaster, it will most definitely be an experience that I will never forget. Even though it was a very unhealthy relationship I am glad that It happened because it made me into the person I am today. Jealousy was a big factor in our relationship. Patrick would question every single thing that I did and he would usually not let me do anything without him. To me, that’s not what love is. As time went on jealousy took over him and I finally opened my eyes and realized why. He was cheating on me with my best friend. The jealousy that he had on me was because of his own actions with being unfaithful to me. Because he was doing this he thought it would be just as easy for me to do it too. This situation really got to me because I not only lost my boyfriend but I lost my best friend as well. Relationships shouldn’t be like this. It should be plain and simple, if you love somebody then be with them, and only them. Or just don’t be with them at all. Cheating is very common in relationships and that is when the trust disappears. Emotions coming from jealousy, usually escalate into trust issues. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, If you don’t have that then the relationship will fail. You cant say that you truly love somebody if you don’t trust them. A lot of hearts are broken because of lies and cheating. Healthy relationships have total and complete trust with one another and never doubt each others honesty. Unfortunately for me, its going to take a miracle for me to trust another guy with my heart again. However, the situation with Patrick only made me a stronger person. Experiencing the crying, screaming, and the violent heart pounding situations really changed me. Now I know when to get out of my possible future relationships when and if that person hits something if they are mad, or if I actually get scared of them like I felt with Patrick. I knew I needed to leave him when furniture went flying across the room, but I was thinking with my heart and not my head. The irony in this is that my best friend Gina knew all about this and held me while I cried on her shoulder and she is the one who he cheated on me with. Trust isn’t just in love relationships, its in friendships as well. As much as I miss being with my best friend everyday, I have learned and accepted that our friendship will never be the way it used to be. Love grows where trust is laid and it dies when it is betrayed. Communicating with your loved one should be nothing but a pleasure for you. Not in some cases. There are people in this world that are in relationships just for one reason, for sex. To me that’s called taking advantage of someone and not cherishing what sex is really supposed to mean between two people. Lack of communicating can also end a relationship quite fast as well. If you barely ever see or talk to your partner then what is the point in being with them? People should enjoy their relationships and they should love spending time with their partner. A relationship takes two people to work and the effort has to come equally from both sides. People need to appreciate who their with because their partner is with them to love and care them. Romantic relationships can be wonderful with the right person. A relationship with the wrong individual however can lead to years of heartache, emotional damage, and even physical damage. An unhealthy relationship can damage the way we feel about love and romance for the future. They can turn what is supposed to be a loving, supporting, and understanding relationship into a hating, unfaithful, and lying one. We all know to avoid people that appear insane or abusive and not select them as a dating partner. However, some individuals are better at hiding their personality and behavior abnormalities, like Patrick. Falling in love is going to take you on a wild roller coaster. With good or bad experiences, you will soon learn how to protect your heart. Usually people tend to think with their hearts and not their minds when it comes to love, I call it the love spell. Unhealthy relationships can make someone’s life miserable and only bring them down. Some of the most popular reasons why relationships fail are because of jealousy. Another reason is due to lack of communication, which is much needed in a healthy loving relationship. Trust is one of the main reasons why love fails. If you truly love somebody then you will never doubt them. Being in love is the greatest feeling in the world, you just have to be careful who you give your heart to. How to cite Love Kills Slowly, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Distributive Fairness of Yamaha Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Distributive Fairness of Yamaha. Answer: Distributive fairness (compensation part). my lecturer reviewed my report and he said very disappointed with my part. The whole 600 words report u were just keep talking about the procedural fairness. I asked you to write a report of 600 words, u must write PROCEDURAL FAINESS in 300 words and DISTRIBUTIVE FAIRNESS(compensation) in 300 words). Coz it is too separate theories. But here, at the end of the recommendation u said Yamaha need to compensate the target market. U also need to explain how u are going to compensate the target market which is called distributive fairness-It is the perceived fairness of outcome or decision. It is viewed as a comparison of the ratio of outputs(benefits)to inputs (sacrifices including monetary and non-monetary) of both parties. For example: apologies or compensation to rectify service failure. U need to explain this further in 300 words. Also,pls use servicemarketing terms in the report such as target market rather using clients. Below part I had to rewrite myself.Plstake a look and explain on DISTRIBUTIVE FAINESS as a continuation of below part. Pls use the same word file to write. Since I have done some editing, u need to read below part and continue writing from where I stop (DISTRIBUTIVE FAIRNESS) so that the flow will be there. And make sure u use below list of references (add 2 more references about distributive fairness) Journal of the Academy ofMarketing Service. Journal of Marketing Journal of Service Research European Journal of Marketing International Journal of Service management Journal of Business Research Journal of Marketing Research Journal of professional services Marketing Journal of Services Marketing Marketing Intelligence and Planning Psychology and Marketing Recommendation Review Screening Process It must be the sole duty and responsibility of Yamaha to see that they are treatingthe target market with equal rights and opportunities. There must never be any kind of discrimination done amongst the target market based on their demographics or even their physical disabilities (Mattila, Hanks and Wang 2014, 553). It is therefore, recommended that Yamaha to ensure that it carries on its screening tests very carefully, following the rules and regulations and attending all trainings and briefings on the screening process (Mattila, Hanks and Wang 2014, 553). Consequently, this will increase customer satisfaction and service quality which eventually lead to brand loyalty and spreading of positive word-of-mouth communication. Such recommendation had reflected that Yamaha had acted in its corporate social responsibility as it practicedprocedural fairness in its review processes or the screening review process. Such tangibility of the practiced procedural fairness will be beneficial for Ya maha as the target market will be able to positively perceive Yamaha and perceived it to be value for money (Homburg, Totzek and Krmer2014, 1123).Applying procedural fairness to the target markets application will enable Yamaha to make sure that they are never late in providing the right service to the target market (Ndubisi, Nataraajan and Lai 2014, 370). Yamaha can increase its level of sincerity in its service recovery measures by compensating the target market. Such compensation exhibited the distributive fairness practiced by Yamaha (Cui and Mallucci 2016, 269). In order to compensate the autistic student and his family, the Yamaha Company can apologize to them in order to compensate the monetary as well as the psychological loss. The family of the student had already spend a huge amount of ,money in making appointments with the Yamaha Company in order to teach music to their child, but as it did not happen and they were refused at the eleventh hour. So, they must be compensated both for the monetary and the non monetary loss. The non monetary loss is the psychological loss (Mattila, Hanks and Wang 2014, 553). In other words, the family has been emotionally and psychologically hurt as well. The unjust and irresponsible behaviour of the company had broken the psychological contract between the family and the contract as well. So, in order to overcome this mistake they can apologize to the boy and his family. They can apologize for not being fair in their contract. The apologising must be done because apart from the monetary loss, the family a lso has suffered from emotional and psychological set back as well. This is because of the fact that the family has suffered a lot from mental trauma as well. They have spent a huge amount of time and energy. Hence, the company must personally apologize from the family in order to show that they are sorry for the lack of procedural fairness present in their system. Apart from this, the family also has suffered from monetary loss. They invested a good sum of money in this entire process, before coming into contract. However the contract was broken by the company at the very eleventh hour; hence, the company must compensate the family by refunding them the entire amount of money. Yamaha Company has to take all these measures in order to implement and maintain the distributive fairness, so that the target audience can be properly compensated for any kind of loss, both on the monetary and non monetary level.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Assignment Writing †Revise As You Write

Need to hand in an assignment, and the deadline is approaching! Is that why youre wondering how to start work on your academic paper? Students can get flustered with the different types of academic assignments that they have to deliver these days and the time management can be quite challenging. Whether its essay writing or dissertation writing, you as a student need to understand that some basic rules of assignment writing must be kept in mind. Assignment Writing involves careful planning and time management so you can deliver brilliant work on time. Managing time might be difficult at times for students who need to work on multiple assignments and papers. So you need to hand in a research paper in a short time, and it must meet the paper guidelines because youre aiming for a top grade. What do you do? How can you deliver a high-quality assignment on time? The answer to that is simple. Revise as you write your academic paper! Yes, this sure is the essential essential to meet your assignment deadlines. While youre working on the content creation and drafting ideas, read through each new sentence or paragraph, youve penned. Read carefully through each new sentence or paragraph looking for any grammatical errors, logical coherence and any critical points that you may have missed. Proofreading and editing your work while you write ensures that the assignment conforms to your papers quality standards and guidelines. Revising your work and proofreading content for your assignment will save you the time that you would otherwise spend going through the paper once its written. It also enhances the quality of your paper as you can spot revisions easily when youre proofreading while writing. Otherwise, once the papers written students often tend to skim over the paper to check for any errors and that is not proper proofreading. So revise while you write to hand in a proper assignment and save yourself precious time! bags experienced and subject specialist writers who deliver best for the academic excellence. Customized and reliable writing services lead us to hold the prominent position in the industry where customers’ need and quality are given first priority.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Jehovahs Witness

Exploratory Essay The religion sect I chose was Jehovah’s Witnesses. The person I interviewed was Miles Carrington, who is an Elder of the church Kingdom Hall. I will first begin talking about the background of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and then elaborate on the interview I conducted with Elder Carrington. Jehovah comes from the ancient manuscript that states God’s name is Jehovah. In Hebrew it is written as YHWH, which means Jehovah. As in Hebrew, it is read from right to left. Witnesses which is said in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 10, â€Å"You are my witnesses, it tells people what to do. It describes what there purpose is and describes what they should do.† And in Revelations chapter 3 verse 14, it says that Jesus Christ is the prime witness of his father Jehovah. The basis of the Jehovah Witnesses comes from second Timothy chapter 3 verses 16-17 â€Å"that all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.† Their church meetings are held three times a week regularly. The first meeting is held on Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. untill about 9:20 p.m. The beginning subject of the meeting is called the Theocratic Ministry School where speakers speak about specific topics of religion. This service meeting also teaches people how to preach the Gospel. The second meeting is on Sunday from 12:30 p.m. untill 2:30 p.m. The meetings are about an hour long including song and prayer. The beginning portion is called the public meeting which is designed to talk about a vital topic such as family, future, problems, etc. This runs about 45 minutes long. The next part deals with the a magazine that Jehovah Witnesses have called the â€Å"Watch Tower†, which talks about different subjects dealing with similar issues of entertainment, family, etc. During ... Free Essays on Jehovahs Witness Free Essays on Jehovahs Witness Exploratory Essay The religion sect I chose was Jehovah’s Witnesses. The person I interviewed was Miles Carrington, who is an Elder of the church Kingdom Hall. I will first begin talking about the background of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and then elaborate on the interview I conducted with Elder Carrington. Jehovah comes from the ancient manuscript that states God’s name is Jehovah. In Hebrew it is written as YHWH, which means Jehovah. As in Hebrew, it is read from right to left. Witnesses which is said in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 10, â€Å"You are my witnesses, it tells people what to do. It describes what there purpose is and describes what they should do.† And in Revelations chapter 3 verse 14, it says that Jesus Christ is the prime witness of his father Jehovah. The basis of the Jehovah Witnesses comes from second Timothy chapter 3 verses 16-17 â€Å"that all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.† Their church meetings are held three times a week regularly. The first meeting is held on Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. untill about 9:20 p.m. The beginning subject of the meeting is called the Theocratic Ministry School where speakers speak about specific topics of religion. This service meeting also teaches people how to preach the Gospel. The second meeting is on Sunday from 12:30 p.m. untill 2:30 p.m. The meetings are about an hour long including song and prayer. The beginning portion is called the public meeting which is designed to talk about a vital topic such as family, future, problems, etc. This runs about 45 minutes long. The next part deals with the a magazine that Jehovah Witnesses have called the â€Å"Watch Tower†, which talks about different subjects dealing with similar issues of entertainment, family, etc. During ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tells us about a time when you took a risk, including what the risk Essay

Tells us about a time when you took a risk, including what the risk was, what happened, and how the experience change you - ( 400 to 600 Words) - Essay Example This implies that the incoming manager had to be equipped with exemplary skills in restaurant management. Mr, Smith, knew me personally. Furthermore, he knew my future ambition of becoming an entrepreneur. Having been raised in Brazil, he felt my experience from a foreign country would enrich the business through integrating new ideas with the traditional English culture. After thorough scrutiny, Mr. Smith decided I was best suited to take up this risky opportunity. At first, I thought I was not up to the task but then I decided to take up the risk after realizing it was the only way I would gain experience. Thoughts of what a disappointment I would be if I did not deliver or if the business failed to flourish kept crossing my mind. Despite this, I did not give up. Since most of my life I had lived in Brazil, I was not proficient in the English language. This situation made the assignment even more challenging considering the business was in an English setting. I had the task of proving to myself as well as to others that being a foreigner was not an impediment to success. I had no substantial knowledge of the English culture and how to prepare English food. As result, I decided to dedicate my fist day to work on making myself acquainted with these aspects. I also came up with a concept on how to deliver the best services and the kind of foods that would be more appealing. Nonetheless, I developed some marketing strategies that I would incorporate into the business so as to increase sales and achieve set goals. Not to forget how I would train those under my supervision. I decided I would be dedicated to my new job through hard work and commitment. Applying these concepts made the business a success. In a couple of months, the flow of customers had increased. The trend continued as more people brought their friends and families to the traditional English restaurant due to the good services they were receiving. More traffic was

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 6

Report - Essay Example Recently, Oxfam International is operating its supportive functions approximately in over 90 countries around the world (Oxfam International, 2014). In this report, the objective is to identify the contribution of the Oxfam International in relation to the issues of climate change in the society. At the same time, the report intends to identify the values and interests of Oxfam International. Moreover, the report will also critically analyze the advocacy viewpoint of the Oxfam International in relation to various scenarios. Finally, the report will also highlight a supportive view regarding the contribution of the organization. According to the viewpoint Pettengell (2010), during the early 21st century, the issue regarding climate change had become one of the most critical aspects, which has influenced several difficulties and challenges in the society such as poverty and health care related issues (Pettengell, 2010). In this regard, rationally it can be asserted that climate change has initiated larger threats across the entire world. Moreover, it has affected the capacity and response of the poor in the society, which has influenced the poor citizens in an adverse manner. In this context, it can be claimed that climate change has affected the subsistence of crops due to vulnerable outer temperature ranges around the world. At the same time, erratic rainfall has also changed the seasonal pattern and monsoon of the entire globe, which has negatively affected the agricultural cycles all around the world. As an effect, farmers are struggling to produce expected amount of crop. On the other hand, due to frequ ent climate changes the level of sea water is rising around the world, which is also indirectly affecting the productivity of crops, due to presence of high proportion salt in the water (Pettengell, 2010). These are the identified adverse effects that climate changes have on the environment and the society at large. According to the report published

Monday, November 18, 2019

Foreign policy analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foreign policy analysis - Essay Example According to Rational Actor Model, the government is seen as a unitary actor and policy making is done keeping in mind the cost and benefit analysis. This model assumes that policy makers are faithful and execute their role with full justice. This model is unrealistic because it is logical and asses policy on basis of cost and not on its ulterior motive and subject value. In this model, the investigation is made to understand the rational thinking of the person involved in policy making. As per (Zakiuum,2009)â€Å"The Rational Actor Model is used to understand the decisions that a nation-state or organization makes†. In Rationale Actor Model the goal and objective of a country is analyzed primarily. In Cuban missile crisis, Russian president installed nuclear missile in Cuba to defend Cuba from Unites States. The objective of then U.S. president Kennedy was to obstruct communism in the western region. Kennedy has attempted to overthrow Castro and his government many times but was unsuccessful. In this Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy wanted maximum to avoid a nuclear war which was on a brink of happening. He analyzed many options but decided blockade of Cuba as it would initiate a positive response from Russia. â€Å"On October 20, 1962, President Kennedy directs implementing a military blockade on Cuba: a full "quarantine", preventing anything or anyone from going into or leaving Cuba".†(Marxist,2000).Here the cost of the policy is not taken in to consideration but the safety of United States was in mind of Kennedy. It is not necessary that always the political leaders will act in rationale manner as human mind is egoistic. 2. Evaluate the impact of re-unification on Germany’s foreign policy. The German re-unification was a treaty signed between two German states in October 3rd 1990 in Berlin. This event has shocked the world and triggered many chain of actions. The re-unification had a tremendous impact on allies of Germany as they thought t hings were happening too fast and the international security can be at risk. America and Great Britain assumed that Germany’s unwillingness to sign NATO membership even can create more trouble. According to the (Emabssy of ,2011)â€Å"United Germany’s integration in the foreign policy context was regulated under a separate treaty signed by the two German states and the four allied powers†. The new German policy implies a considerable shift in the country’s stand towards Europe and other foreign nations. As per (Hellman,2011)â€Å"These foreign policy self-image changes are extensive and profound, and pertain not only to the self-image of a small foreign policy elite, but that of the German public in general†. Being a unified country, Germany is more confident and is trying relentlessly for a permanent seat in U.N. Security council. Germany also participated in the â€Å"P5 plus Germany† which is comprised of U.N. security members to discuss about the nuclear activities of Iran. Germany has showed its self confidence in its relation with foreign nations especially with European Union and Afghanistan. Not only European Union is t he centre of German foreign policy but its allies with U.S. regarding NATO membership is strong. Germany as a unified nation also shares a close tie with Russia. 3. Assess the impact of political change and instability on Russia’s foreign policy. The Russian foreign policy is significantly affected by the internal political factors and the action of executive leader .While U.S governors visited foreign nations to promote business, Russian governor Tatarstan formulated his own laws regarding foreign investment and attempted to build alliances with UN and other international organization without the consent from central authority. In his article(Charap,2007)states that â€Å"

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effect of Homeopathic Treatment on Insomnia

Effect of Homeopathic Treatment on Insomnia CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Introduction Insomnia is a major health concern particularly when individuals develop dependency and problematic withdrawal symptoms related to conventional prescription drugs. Approximately 27% of the adult male population and 31% of the adult female population in South Africa suffer from insomnia (Strangers et al., 2012). Insomnia disorder is characterized by one or more of the following: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, early morning waking, and non-refreshing sleep (South African Association of Sleep Medicine, n.d.). Current conventional treatment for insomnia includes psychological and drug therapies. Conventional medication for insomnia is limited and has its drawbacks (Moch, 2011). While continued research and development is ongoing to broaden the clinical evidence on the use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of insomnia to further establish its benefits, current information suggests that the effect of individualised homeopathic treatment has not been researc hed to date in females with insomnia disorder. Aim of the Study The aim of this study was to determine the effect of individualised homeopathic treatment on insomnia disorder in females using detailed case studies and the Insomnia Severity Index. Null Hypothesis It is anticipated that the individualised homeopathic remedy will not be effective in the treatment of insomnia disorder in females. Hypothesis It is anticipated that the individualised homeopathic remedy will be effective in the treatment of insomnia disorder in females. Importance of the Problem CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Sleep Sleep can be defined as a state of reversible unconsciousness in which the brain becomes less responsive to external stimuli (Schupp Hanning, 2003). Although the amount of sleep a person needs varies, most individuals need an average of six to eight hours of sleep a night in order to feel refreshed (Attele et al., 2000). Numerous physiological processes are regulated during sleep and therefore it is a universal need that is essential for well-being (Moch, 2011). 2.2 The Physiology of Sleep Normal sleep is divided into two distinctive states: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which can be differentiated by an electroencephalogram (EEG) (Schupp Hanning, 2003). Normal sleep begins with NREM sleep and progresses through deeper NREM stages, before the first episode of REM sleep occurs about 80 to 100 minutes later. Thereafter, a sleep cycle, which is the alternation of periods of NREM and REM sleep, lasts approximately 90 minutes and recurs 3 to 7 times per night. NREM sleep is more prominent and deeper than REM sleep during the first half of the night; NREM constitutes the main sleep activity. NREM sleep is shallow during the second half of the night, and the proportion of REM sleep gradually increases during each subsequent sleep cycle (Carlstedt, 2010). Figure 2.1 shows EEG graphs of these sleep stages. 2.2.1 NREM Sleep NREM sleep appears as wakefulness-maintaining mechanisms decline. NREM sleep is divided into 4 stages (Lee-Chiong, 2006): Stage 1: an individual first enters stage 1. The EEG is difficult to distinguish from the waking EEG of a drowsy person, theta wave activity occurs, and heart rate and muscle tension begin to decrease. During this early stage of sleep an occasional muscle jerk, usually of an arm or leg, referred to as myoclonus may be experienced. This experience is often accompanied by a brief visual image, such as tripping or falling (Freberg, 2009). Stage 2: after 10 to 15 minutes in stage 1, the individual enters stage 2 NREM sleep. The EEG shows sleep spindles and K-complexes, which reflect the brain’s effort to maintain sleep while monitoring the external environment. Heart rate and muscle tension further reduce. During this stage the individual is able to sleep through familiar stimuli, but wakes in response to unfamiliar stimuli (Freberg, 2009). Stage 3 and 4: after approximately 15 minutes in stage 2, the individual enters stage 3 and stage 4 NREM sleep, also referred to as slow-wave sleep. In both stages, the EEG shows delta wave activity, however, stage 3 differs from stage 4 in the sense that a greater proportion of stage 4 consists of delta waves. During these stages heart rate, blood pressure and core temperature are at their lowest levels. Awakening the individual during these stages is difficult and disorientating (Freberg, 2009). 2.2.2 REM Sleep REM sleep is also referred to as paradoxical sleep because while the EEG resembles the waking EEG, it is accompanied by reduced skeletal muscle tone of stage 3 and stage 4 NREM sleep, except in the eye where rapid eye movements (saccadic eye movements) occur. These saccadic eye movements are small, fast, jerky movements, which bring the eye from one visual fixation point to another and may be associated with watching the visual images of dreams (Sanoop et al., 2012). Despite the apparently alert EEG it is more difficult to awaken an individual from REM sleep than it is to awaken them from slow-wave sleep. In addition, there is an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate, as well as increased blood flow to the genitals. Control of core temperature is poor during this state of sleep (Wagner Silber, 2004). During REM sleep the EEG becomes desynchronised and low voltage fast activity is seen, PGO (ponto-geniculo-occipital) spikes also appear, which is characteristic o f REM sleep (Sanoop et al., 2012). SLEEP STAGES ON AN EEG Figure 2.1 Different Stages of Sleep as seen on an EEG (Source: J. A. Horne. (1998). Why We Sleep: The Functions of Sleep in Humans and Other Animals. Oxford Uni. Press, England) 2.3 The Function of Sleep There are 3 theories accredited to the function of sleep: Energy conservation theory: according to this theory, energy expenditure that has occurred during waking hours recovers during sleep (OrthoApnea, 2012). Two mechanisms explain how sleep is able to conserve energy. First, sleep reduces energy expenditure by indirectly reducing activity; this mechanism is also active when individuals are awake, but inactive. Secondly, sleep reduces energy expenditure below that achieved by quiet wakefulness by causing a change in physiology (Kryger et al., 2011). Findings that endothermic mammals, including humans, reduce their core temperature and metabolic rate during sleep to support the waking demands support this theory (Kothare Kotagal, 2011). Restorative theory: this theory suggests that the function of sleep is to restore physiological and biochemical processes that have been depleted during waking hours. Indirect evidence supports this presumption: There is an increased release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland following sleep onset Endogenous anabolic steroids are released during specific stages of sleep There is an increased rate of bone growth, as well as increased mitosis of lymphocytes during sleep During sleep, genes involved in brain protein synthesis, myelin formation, synaptic vesicle turnover, lipid metabolism, and membrane maintenance are unregulated (Kothare Kotagal, 2011). Learning and memory theory: this theory proposes that sleep is necessary for brain plasticity, which is essential in the processes of learning and memory. Several studies have shown that sleep improves learning and memory without task repetition, which suggests that information processing and long-term memory consolidation are enhanced during sleep (Kothare Kotagal, 2011). 2.4 Insomnia 2.4.1 Definition and Description of Insomnia Insomnia is defined as the inability to obtain an adequate duration or quality of sleep (National Sleep Foundation, n.d.). It is characterized by one or more of the following: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, early morning waking, and non-refreshing sleep (South African Association of Sleep Medicine, n.d.). Insomnia occurs despite an adequate time and opportunity for sleep and results in impairment in daytime functioning (World Health Organisation, 2009). 2.4.2 Incidence, Epidemiology and Demographics of Insomnia Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and the second most common overall complaint reported in primary healthcare settings (Attarian, 2004), with approximately 30% of the general adult population in South Africa occasionally suffering from insomnia. Insomnia is present in around 50% of individuals treated in a clinical setting and about 10% of these individuals suffer from persistent insomnia. Although insomnia affects individuals of almost every demographic, complaints of insomnia increase with age, and women are more affected than men (Truter, 2008). 2.4.3 Insomnia in Females Epidemiological studies comparing the prevalence of insomnia between the genders all report a higher prevalence amongst females. Studies have shown that there is an increased prevalence of insomnia amongst younger females, even in adolescent girls, compared to their age-matched male counterparts. One of the most common perimenopausal symptoms in women aged between 35 and 55 is insomnia (Grewal Doghramji, 2010). Biological differences in sex hormones may contribute to the gender difference in insomnia. For some women, insomnia may arise secondary to menstrual symptoms e.g. headaches, bloating, cramping and breast tenderness. Sleep disturbances during menstrual periods are associated with alterations in progesterone, prolactin and melatonin levels. Melatonin modulation by sex hormones may cause dysregulation of sleep-wake mechanisms (Soares, 2005). Insomnia occurs in approximately half of all menopausal women and may be directly associated with the presence of hot flushes. Nocturnal hot flushes may cause repeated awakenings throughout the night. Menopausal women experiencing hot flushes report more frequent awakenings, inefficient sleep, and poor quality sleep, compared with those who do not experience hot flushes. Temperature-regulating and sleep-regulating centers in the brain may be disturbed by changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormone levels that occur during menopause, resulting in hot flushes and insomnia (Soares, 2005). In addition, increased levels of psychological distress have also been postulated as potential contributors to insomnia in women; including social changes, stress associated with the â€Å"empty nest† syndrome, nursing aging parents or family members, separation from life partners due to divorce or death (Soares, 2005). 2.4.4 Classification of Insomnia Insomnia may be situational (acute), persistent, or recurrent. Situational insomnia lasts for a few days up to a few weeks and is usually caused by life events or rapid changes in environment or sleep schedules. Once the precipitating event subsides, the insomnia usually resolves. In some individuals, insomnia may persist for a long period of time after the initiating event, possibly due to conditioning and heightened arousal; conditioned arousal may then persist and lead to persistent insomnia. However, in some individuals, insomnia may have an insidious onset where no identifiable cause can be found. Insomnia may also be episodic, with recurrent episodes of sleep difficulties occurring during stressful events (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), insomnia disorder is classified as: A predominant complaint of dissatisfaction with sleep quantity or quality, associated with one (or more) of the following symptoms: difficulty initiating sleep; difficulty maintaining sleep, characterized by frequent awakenings or problems returning to sleep after awakenings; and/or early-morning awakening with inability to return to sleep The sleep disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, educational, academic, behavioural, or other important areas of functioning. The sleep difficulty occurs at least 3 nights per week. The sleep difficulty is present for at least 3 months. The sleep difficulty occurs despite adequate opportunity for sleep. The insomnia is not better explained by and does not occur exclusively during the course of another sleep-wake disorder (e.g., narcolepsy, a breathing-related sleep disorder, a circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder, a parasomnia). The insomnia is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication). Coexisting mental disorders and medical conditions do not adequately explain the predominant complaint of insomnia (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 2.4.5 Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia Symptoms and signs of insomnia include lying awake for extended periods of time before being able to fall asleep, waking up several times during the night (sleeping for short periods of time), waking up early in the morning with an inability to fall back to sleep and/or waking up in the morning feeling unrefreshed or tired (NIH, 2011). 2.4.6 Predisposing, Precipitating and Perpetuating Factors of Insomnia Factors that predispose an individual to insomnia include: genetics, personality traits, psychologic arousal (eg. anxiety, agitation, and heightened vigilance), and time of day sleep-wake preference (Lee-Chiong, 2008). One theory is that physiological hyperarousal may be a predisposing factor for insomnia; research has shown that individuals with insomnia disorder have an increased metabolic rate, increased secretion of ACTH, increased beta activity in the EEG, a more rapid increase in heart rate in response to stress, and increased daytime alertness despite having a shorter sleeping period. Another predisposing factor for insomnia may be a decreased homeostatic drive for sleep; research has shown that patients with insomnia disorder do not have the same increase in slow-wave sleep following sleep deprivation that is seen in those without insomnia. A decreased sleep drive would make it more difficult to initiate and maintain sleep under baseline as well as sleep-deprived conditions ( Lee-Chiong, 2006). Insomnia is a symptom with numerous and diverse aetiologies, and in a large percentage of the population more than one cause may be present; these include: stressful life events such as conflicts in the workplace, marital distress, or final examinations; a change of usual habits; sudden changes in sleep-wake schedules caused by jet lag or changes in work shifts; environmental disturbances such as excessive noise or light in the bedroom; medication use or medication withdrawal; substance abuse; and chronic medical or psychiatric conditions. Examples of chronic medical conditions include: any condition associated with pain, respiratory or cardiac diseases associated with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, renal failure, hyperthyroidism, and neurodegenerative diseases (Lee-Chiong, 2006). Perpetuating factors are cognitive and behavioural changes that occur after an individual has had insomnia for a period of time. Cognitive changes that occur include preoccupation with sleep during the day, as well as a fear of not being able to sleep and fear of daytime impairment. This leads to tension at bedtime, and upon waking up during the night. Behavioural changes include keeping irregular sleep-wake schedules, taking naps during the day, staying in bed in an attempt to gain more sleep, and engaging in stimulating activities during the night. Individuals often make these changes in response to their insomnia, in an attempt to get more sleep; however, while these changes may relieve insomnia in the short-term, they promote insomnia in the long-term (Lee-Chiong, 2006). 2.4.7 Consequences of Insomnia Insomnia may result in feelings of fatigue and sleepiness. A number of individuals complain of mood disturbances and cognitive difficulties such as irritability, mild anxiety and depression; they may also complain of poor memory and concentration, and difficulty performing complex mental tasks. Because of the irritability and fatigue that is associated with insomnia, interpersonal difficulties may result; on the other hand, interpersonal difficulties may be the cause of insomnia. Insomnia may result in restriction of daytime activities, such as work, exercise and social events. This lack of regular daytime activity may in turn contribute to insomnia. In addition to these, insomnia may exacerbate symptomatology of co-morbid disease, and may herald the onset of mood disturbances (Schutte-Rodin et al., 2008). 2.5 Measurements used to asses Insomnia 2.5.1 The Insomnia Severity Index The Insomnia Severity Index is a 7-item questionnaire that provides a global measure of an individual’s perceived insomnia severity based on the following indicators: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and early morning awakenings; satisfaction with sleep; degree of impairment with daytime functioning; degree to which impairments are noticeable; and distress or concern with insomnia. Each item is rated on a 5 point Likert scale, and the total score ranges from 0-28. The ISI has good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. It has proven to be sensitive to therapeutic changes in several treatment studies of insomnia. This instrument can be used to evaluate the initial severity of insomnia, as well as the clinical significance of improvements achieved during the treatment of insomnia (Edinger Carney, n.d.) 2.6 Treatment of Insomnia 2.6.1 Pharmacological Treatment

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rhetoric in Violence as Entertainment by Folisi Essay -- videogames, cr

It is shocking to believe that just because you like videogames and crime shows you are a bad person. This article is one in which talks about people being obsess with violences. What would happen if just because you went to a story and got the the latest Grand Theft Auto videogame people would run for the hill and accuse you of being crazy.In this artical we are given the idea that if a person liked violent video games, and crime shows, then the person is up to no good.In his article, Violence as Entertainment, Folisi employs a variety of rhetorical devices to divert the reader's attention away from his lack of empirical evidence. The most effective of these devices is the use of multiple tones. To a lesser degree, Folisi also uses anecdotal evidence. This works directly against the author's goals, exposing the weaknesses in his arguments.Folisi alternates between authoritative and speculative tones throughout the article. This is utilized in several different ways. First, Folisi is able to pass off many of his assumptions as fact. The topic sentences of many paragraphs start with words such as ‘we’ and ‘our’, projecting the author’s personal thoughts and experiences out onto the rest of his audience. In this way, personal observations are subtly transformed into global assumptions. Consider for example the following excerpt: The fact is, these kinds of news stories fascinate us. But why? Does life in a modern technological world breed individuals who are more criminally incited or inclined? Is it somehow more difficult for us to cope with our lives, with our basic instincts and needs, in societies which are cut off from nature? Through disconnecting and dividing us from our true instinctual inner nature, has modern technologi... ...ts and outcasts, maladjusted in schools and in society at large.† Because he is so eager to apply rhetoric from every possible angle, Folisi accidentally provides a counterargument to everything he has said. This goes unaddressed, as the author fails to recognize what he has done. As a result, the reader is left to question the article, possibly more than they would have had no argument been given at all. In all, Folisi has a strong rhetoric but his lack of practical evidence illuminates the shortcomings in his argument. Additionally, his attempt at using pathos to emotionally engage the reader ultimately flounders and in fact works against him. To make his argument stronger, Folisi desperately needs to rethink his use of pathos and develop stronger evidence. In conclusion readers will be able to expand their thinking and ideas about why people commit crimes.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Manipulation in Macbeth

Mac-nipulation In William Shakespeare's play â€Å"Macbeth†, manipulation is a very effective device. The main character Macbeth is a puppet controlled by the words coming from the three witches and Lady Macbeth. The four troublemakers provide Macbeth with the motivation and confidence he needs to kill Duncan and perform other dark actions. Macbeth is very ambitious; there’s no doubt about this. However, there is no sign of him changing from a loyal man to a power hungry man. That is until outside influences begin to interfere with his life.The people with the greatest impact on Macbeth are his wife, Lady Macbeth and the witches. However, he then learns to manipulate others himself. In the end, all the treachery is revealed and he realizes that he has been a pawn in this whole scheme of achieving absolute power. Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband on two occasions. â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be, what thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o’ the milk of human kindness, to catch the nearest way: thou woulds’t be great:† (I, v). First she flatters Macbeth and soothes his early fears of committing these dreadful acts.During the party she uses her most powerful persuasion, as she begins to question Macbeth’s honor and manhood by saying that he is less of a man if he fails in killing Duncan. Macbeth feels so much shame that he’s convinced that it is right for him to take action. If it weren’t for Lady Macbeth’s harassment, Macbeth would have never gone down this awful road that has an inevitable dead-end. However, the witches are at the roots of all this manipulation. The witches are the first to raise the possibility of Kingship and persuade Macbeth to act on it. â€Å"All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth; thou shat be King hereafter. †(I, iii) The witches are polite towards Macbet h. They all hail to him, showing respect and flattery. They then offer him a truth, that he is the Thane of Cawdor. When the witches tell Macbeth of the two other prophecies he begins to think to himself of the possibilities of actually becoming King of Scotland. He wonders why the witches said that the prophecies were bad when they are such good news. Once again the witches offer half-truths to Macbeth and he is easily persuaded that he’s invincible and almighty. Be Bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn/ the power of man, for none of woman born/ shall harm Macbeth. † (IV, i). Macbeth believes that he is unconquerable because of the visions from the witches. The manipulation of the bloody Child gave Macbeth a false sense of security. Macbeth thinks that there is no person that has not been born of a woman, which is what makes him think he is even more unbeatable. This is the second and last time that Macbeth hears from the witches. Just like the first time, he reac ts on impulse to them and winds up being murdered by Macduff, who was born from a cesarean section.Macbeth’s first attempt at manipulation was unsuccessful. â€Å"If you shall cleave to my consent, when ‘tis/ it shall make honor for you. † (II, i). Macbeth is trying to get Banquo to join him because he suspects Banquo may know about the murder of Duncan. Banquo is decent and doesn’t trust the witches’ prophecies so he chooses not to join Macbeth. Banquo shows his courage by standing up to Macbeth and doing what is right, not what is easy. Because Macbeth has failed to manipulate Banquo he decides to have him killed by two henchmen.In addition, he tells them to kill Banquo’s son, Fleance because the witches manipulated Macbeth into believing that Banquo’s sons were the next in line to be king. Therefore, he also becomes just as much as a threat to Macbeth as Banquo is to him. Secondly, Macbeth attempts to appeal to the murderer’s sense of honor in the hopes of trying to get them to side with him. â€Å"Do you find your patience so predominant in your nature, that you can let this go? Are you so gospell’d, to pray for this good man and his issue, whose heavy hand hath bow’d you to the grave and beggar’d yours forever? † (III, i).Macbeth explains to the murderers that it has been Banquo that has betrayed them all along and he convinces them that Banquo is the true enemy. Here Macbeth uses the same tactics his wife used on him and he is successful in manipulating the murderer’s to go out and commit this murder for him. Macbeth is offering truth and lies to the murderers, as the witches did to manipulate him into killing Duncan. Although Macbeth does succumb to his wife and the witches’ persuasive methods, he becomes as good at manipulation as they do, maybe even better. However, in the end, manipulation is shown to be, no more than falseness and deception. Jakob Jubert Manipulation in Macbeth Mac-nipulation In William Shakespeare's play â€Å"Macbeth†, manipulation is a very effective device. The main character Macbeth is a puppet controlled by the words coming from the three witches and Lady Macbeth. The four troublemakers provide Macbeth with the motivation and confidence he needs to kill Duncan and perform other dark actions. Macbeth is very ambitious; there’s no doubt about this. However, there is no sign of him changing from a loyal man to a power hungry man. That is until outside influences begin to interfere with his life.The people with the greatest impact on Macbeth are his wife, Lady Macbeth and the witches. However, he then learns to manipulate others himself. In the end, all the treachery is revealed and he realizes that he has been a pawn in this whole scheme of achieving absolute power. Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband on two occasions. â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be, what thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o’ the milk of human kindness, to catch the nearest way: thou woulds’t be great:† (I, v). First she flatters Macbeth and soothes his early fears of committing these dreadful acts.During the party she uses her most powerful persuasion, as she begins to question Macbeth’s honor and manhood by saying that he is less of a man if he fails in killing Duncan. Macbeth feels so much shame that he’s convinced that it is right for him to take action. If it weren’t for Lady Macbeth’s harassment, Macbeth would have never gone down this awful road that has an inevitable dead-end. However, the witches are at the roots of all this manipulation. The witches are the first to raise the possibility of Kingship and persuade Macbeth to act on it. â€Å"All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth; thou shat be King hereafter. †(I, iii) The witches are polite towards Macbet h. They all hail to him, showing respect and flattery. They then offer him a truth, that he is the Thane of Cawdor. When the witches tell Macbeth of the two other prophecies he begins to think to himself of the possibilities of actually becoming King of Scotland. He wonders why the witches said that the prophecies were bad when they are such good news. Once again the witches offer half-truths to Macbeth and he is easily persuaded that he’s invincible and almighty. Be Bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn/ the power of man, for none of woman born/ shall harm Macbeth. † (IV, i). Macbeth believes that he is unconquerable because of the visions from the witches. The manipulation of the bloody Child gave Macbeth a false sense of security. Macbeth thinks that there is no person that has not been born of a woman, which is what makes him think he is even more unbeatable. This is the second and last time that Macbeth hears from the witches. Just like the first time, he reac ts on impulse to them and winds up being murdered by Macduff, who was born from a cesarean section.Macbeth’s first attempt at manipulation was unsuccessful. â€Å"If you shall cleave to my consent, when ‘tis/ it shall make honor for you. † (II, i). Macbeth is trying to get Banquo to join him because he suspects Banquo may know about the murder of Duncan. Banquo is decent and doesn’t trust the witches’ prophecies so he chooses not to join Macbeth. Banquo shows his courage by standing up to Macbeth and doing what is right, not what is easy. Because Macbeth has failed to manipulate Banquo he decides to have him killed by two henchmen.In addition, he tells them to kill Banquo’s son, Fleance because the witches manipulated Macbeth into believing that Banquo’s sons were the next in line to be king. Therefore, he also becomes just as much as a threat to Macbeth as Banquo is to him. Secondly, Macbeth attempts to appeal to the murderer’s sense of honor in the hopes of trying to get them to side with him. â€Å"Do you find your patience so predominant in your nature, that you can let this go? Are you so gospell’d, to pray for this good man and his issue, whose heavy hand hath bow’d you to the grave and beggar’d yours forever? † (III, i).Macbeth explains to the murderers that it has been Banquo that has betrayed them all along and he convinces them that Banquo is the true enemy. Here Macbeth uses the same tactics his wife used on him and he is successful in manipulating the murderer’s to go out and commit this murder for him. Macbeth is offering truth and lies to the murderers, as the witches did to manipulate him into killing Duncan. Although Macbeth does succumb to his wife and the witches’ persuasive methods, he becomes as good at manipulation as they do, maybe even better. However, in the end, manipulation is shown to be, no more than falseness and deception. Jakob Jubert

Friday, November 8, 2019

Heres Why Your College GPA Matters

Here's Why Your College GPA Matters In high school, you likely focused on getting good grades- and, consequently, having a high grade point average (GPA)- because you wanted to get into to college. But now that youve done that, you may be wondering, Does GPA matter in college? While this may seem like a simple question, it doesnt have a straightforward answer. In some situations, your college GPA can matter quite a bit; on the other hand, a GPA can mean nothing beyond whether or not you can graduate. Why Your GPA Matters in College There are many reasons you will want to maintain a good GPA in college. Ultimately, you will need to pass your classes in order to get your degree, which is the point of going to college in the first place. From that perspective, the answer is clear: Your GPA matters. If your GPA drops below a certain threshold, your school will send you a notice youve been  placed on academic probation  and tell you what steps to take in order to recover from it. Along the same lines, you may need to keep it at or above a certain level to keep your scholarships, other financial awards or loan eligibility. Additionally, things like academic honors, research opportunities, internships, and some classes have GPA requirements. Its always a good idea to ask your academic adviser about any GPA requirements you should be aware of, so you dont find out youre in trouble after its too late to fix it.   Do College Grades Matter for Jobs? Your GPA may or may not play an important role in your life after college- it depends on your post-graduate plans. For example, Graduate school admissions are very competitive, and youre required to put your GPA on an application. If youre interested in furthering your education but the damage to your GPA is already done, dont fret: Good scores on the GRE, GMAT, MCAT or LSAT could make up for a sub-par GPA. (Of course, getting into grad school will be a lot easier if you focus on maintaining a good GPA from the start of college.) Even if youre not thinking about more school, you should know some employers will ask you for your GPA when you apply for a job. In fact, there are companies- generally, large companies- who require applicants to meet the basic GPA requirement.   Beyond the aforementioned situations, theres a good chance your GPA may never again come up after graduation. In general, employers focus more on your level of education, not the grades that got you there, and theres no rule that says you  need  to put your GPA on your resume. The bottom line: Your college GPA is only as important as it is for your future plans. While you may not feel pressure to focus on maintaining a high GPA as you did in high school, theres no reason why you shouldnt work hard in your classes and succeed as best you can academically. You never know, after all, what jobs or graduate school programs you might end up applying for years after you graduate.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

German Words and Phrases for Speaking Business

German Words and Phrases for Speaking Business Conversing in German is one thing, but conducting business in German if youre not a native  speaker can be a bit challenging. Here are some examples of terms you may encounter when doing business in a German-speaking country, listed alphabetically. Business-related German Vocabulary Accountant  der Buchhalter/die Buchhalterin   Ã‚  Certified public accountant (CPA)  m.  der Wirtschaftsprà ¼fer   Ã‚  Certified public accountant (CPA)  f.  die Wirtschaftsprà ¼ferin   Ã‚  Tax accountant (certified tax advisor)  m.  der Steuerberater   Ã‚  Tax accountant (certified tax advisor)  f.  die Steuerberaterin   Audit  n.  die Bilanzprà ¼fung  (-en),  die Rechnungsprà ¼fung  (-en)   Ã‚  Field audit (tax)  die Außenprà ¼fung   Ã‚  Tax audit  die Steuerprà ¼fung Audit division/office  der Rechnungshof Audit  v.  die Bilanz prà ¼fen Auditor  der Bilanzprà ¼fer  (-),  die Bilanzprà ¼ferin  (-nen),  der Rechnungsprà ¼fer,  der Steuerprà ¼fer  (tax) Auto-reply, out-of-office auto-reply  n.  die Abwesenheitsnotiz,  die Eingangsbesttigung Balance (sheet)  fin.  die Bilanz  (-en) Balanced  adj.bilanziert Bank  n.  die Bank  (-en) Board  n.  der Vorstand,  der Ausschuss,  das Gremium   Ã‚  Board of directors  der Vorstand   Ã‚  To be on the board  im Vorstand sitzen/sein   Ã‚  Board of governors  der Verwaltungsrat/der Aufsichtsrat   Ã‚  Board of trustees  der Beirat Board meeting  die Vorstandssitzung  (-en) Boardroom  der Sitzungssaal  (-sle) Business  das Geschft  (-e),  die Wirtschaft,  die Branche,  der Betrieb  (-e),  das Unternehmen Cash  n.  das Bargeld   Ã‚  Cash advance  der Vorschuss   Ã‚  Cash dispenser/machine  der Geldautomat   Ã‚  Cash or charge?  Zahlen Sie bar oder mit Karte?   Ã‚  Cash point  Br.  die Kasse   Ã‚  To pay cash  bar bezahlen Certified public accountant (CPA)  m.  der Wirtschaftsprà ¼fer  (-) Certified public accountant (CPA)  f.  die Wirtschaftsprà ¼ferin  (-nen) Certified tax advisor  m.  der Steuerberater  (-) Certified tax advisor  f.  die Steuerberaterin  (-nen) Client  law  der Mandant  (-en),  die Mandantin  (-nen) Client  der Klient  (-en),  die Klientin  (-nen) Client, customer  der Kunde  (-n),  die Kundin  (-nen) Credit, loan  der Kredit   Ã‚  Tetter of credit  der Kreditbrief  (-e)   Ã‚  On credit  auf Kredit Credit balance  der Kontostand Debt  die Schuld  (-en),  die Verschuldung  (-en)   Ã‚  Debt collection agency  das Inkassobà ¼ro   Ã‚  Debt rescheduling  die Umschuldung   Ã‚  National debt  Staatsschulden  pl.   Ã‚  To be in debt  verschuldet sein Enterprise  das Unternehmen  (-)   Ã‚  A family enterprise/business  ein Familienunternehmen Euro  der Euro  (-)   Ã‚  It costs ten euros  es kostet zehn Euro Exchange (stock)  die Bà ¶rse  (-n) Exchange traded option  bà ¶rsengehandelte Option Firm, company  die Firma  (Firmen) Fiscal year  das Rechnungsjahr Global economy  die Weltwirtschaft Globalization  n.  die Globalisierung Globalize  v.  globalisieren Global trade  der Welthandel Gross  n.  das Gros  (no pl.) Interest  die Zinsen  pl.   Ã‚  Interest bearing  mit Zinsertrag   Ã‚  Interest rate  der Zinssatz  (-stze)   Ã‚  To bear/pay 5% interest  5% Zinsen ertragen Investment  die Kapitalanlage  (-n),  die Investition Investment guidelines  die Anlagerichtlinien  (pl.) Investor  der Anleger  (-),  die Anlegerin  (-innen) Invoice  die Rechnung  (-en) Invoice amount  der Rechnungsbetrag Job  der Job  (-s),  die Arbeit  (-en),  die Stelle  (-n) Market  der Markt  (Mrkte) New Market  Neuer Markt  (Germanys NASDAQ) Portfolio  fin.  das Portfolio  (-s) Premium  fin.  die Prmie Price  der Preis  (-e) Purchase  v.  kaufen Purchase  n.  der Kauf  (Kufe) Purchase order  die Auftragsbesttigung  (-en) Purchaser, buyer  der Kufer  (-),  die Kuferin  (-innen) Speculation  die Spekulation  (-en) Speculator  fin.  der Spekulant  (-en) Stock exchange/market  die Bà ¶rse  (-n) Subsidiary  die Tochtergesellschaft  (-en) Tax  die Steuer  (-n) (Caution!  Das Steuer  means steering wheel, tiller or helm.) Taxable  steuerbar Trade, trading  n.  der Handel,  die Geschfte  pl Transaction  n.  die Transaktion Value  der Wert  (-e) Venture capital  n.  das Beteiligungskapital,  das Risikokapital Volatility  die Volatilitt How to Write a German Business Letter The following sample business letter could be used for correspondence in Austria, Germany or Switzerland, if the writer wanted to make an inquiry at the local tourist office in Kirchdorf. Betreff: Hotels und Pensionen in Kirchdorf 4 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,wà ¼rden Sie mir freundlicherweise 5 eine Liste der Hotels und Pensionen (der mittleren Kategorie) am Ort zusenden? Daneben 6 bin ich an Informationen à ¼ber Busfahrten zu den Sehenswà ¼rdigkeiten 7 der Umgebung im Juli interessiert. Vielen Dank im Voraus!8 Mit freundlichen Grà ¼ÃƒÅ¸en[signature]Johann Mustermann Translation:   Subject: Hotels in Kirchdorf 4 Dear Sir or Madam, Would you kindly send me a list of the five hotels (middle category) in your location? In addition,  I am interested in information on bus trips to local attractions in July. Thanks in advance!   Best regards[Signature]Johann Mustermann German Business Expressions and Phrases Here are some phrases you may want to learn that would be useful in business conversations in German.   Bank/at, in a bank:  Ã‚  die Bank/bei der Bank, in einer Bank Factory/in a factory:  Ã‚  die Fabrik/in einer Fabrik Highrise/in a highrise:  Ã‚  das Hochhaus/in einem Hochhaus Office/in an office:  Ã‚  das Bà ¼ro/im Bà ¼ro, in einem Bà ¼ro Skyscraper/in a skyscraper:  Ã‚  der Wolkenkratzer/in einem Wolkenkratzer Do you have an appointment?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sind Sie angemeldet? I have an appointment at 3 oclock with...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ich habe einen Termin um 3 Uhr mit... Id like to speak with Mr./Mrs. Smith:  Ã‚  Ich mà ¶chte Herrn/Frau Smith sprechen. Can I leave a message?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kann ich eine Nachricht hinterlassen? Dear Madame: (no name)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sehr geehrte gndige Frau, Dear Mr. Maier:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sehr geehrter Herr Maier, Lieber Herr Maier, (less formal) Dear Ms./Mrs. Maier:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sehr geehrte Frau Maier, Liebe Frau Maier, (less formal)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Final Question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Question 3 - Essay Example The main basis of setting the limits of the hazard chemicals and the corresponding related OSHA standards entail initiation of the extent of potential exposure and the lofty extent of dermal hazard. Potential exposure is set by approximating the risk of the chemical splash, important differences within the work practices amidst individuals, use of gloves against hand tools when an individual comes into contact with direct contact with the underlying chemical and utilization of the shared tools (Noll et al, 2014). Conversely, dermal exposure potential is mainly based on the frequency and period of the skin contact, size of the skin in contact with the prevailing chemical, concentration of the chemical and likelihood of retaining the chemical on the skin. TLV is applied in in the prediction of the quantity of chemicals all healthy personalities or worker can withstand without severe effects. STEL is utilized by employer is ensuring that no worker is exposed to an airborne concentration of the formaldehyde that exceeds two sections of the formaldehyde foe every million sections of air. NIOSH IDLH is the main source of the general industrial hygiene information for the employees, managers and corresponding occupational health professional in regard to the hazardous chemicals. These values are normally utilized by the EPA in the establishment of plans and response to the underlying uncontrolled releases of the hazardous chemicals (Noll et al, 2014). Moreover, aid in approximations of the exposure, offering of the vital information for assessing chemical release and taking appropriate protective

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Ethics - Friends of Angelo Research Paper

Business Ethics - Friends of Angelo - Research Paper Example In this case, the judge needed funds to finance an expansion project he was undertaking for his house at Sherwood Country Club in Westlake Village. He got the loan from Countrywide Financial, but the terms raised eyebrows for any keen eye. The terms were too good as compared to that offered to other borrowers. This favour was extended to the judge so that the same favour may be shown to the company. This was because the firm was being charged in the appellate court by borrowers who felt dissatisfied by what the firm had paid as settlement fees. Aldrich was part of a three-man bench that sure enough rejected the appeal of the borrowers. The fact that the judge failed to mention his previous contact with the defendant company was unethical and against the codes of conduct of a judge. As a judge, he ought not to have received any favours or loan in the terms he did knowing that the company had a case pending in his court (Ferrell et al., 2013). This was replicated with all the leaders Angelo deemed fit to orchestrate the company’s progress. These leaders are called and appointed the servants of the people to have the interest of the ordinary populace at heart, but instead they have misused their powers to pursue personal gain. Leaders in this case acted in corrupt manners by conducting underhand deals that would otherwise not be permissible. They ignored and neglected their oaths of office by using the office powers not in service to their country or its people as intended by the law, but in service to themselves (Ferrell et al., 2013). The implications on society of such conduct are, for example, mistrust of those in power. For if a judge, a person who is given the power to condemn, cannot check himself to know when he is going wrong then how can he judge others? It is then the biblical case of the blind leading the blind into a ditch. Greed has obviously blinded many leaders to such an extent that the boundary of what is ethical and unethical

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tourism is only about the pursuit of pleasure Essay

Tourism is only about the pursuit of pleasure - Essay Example South East European Journal of Economics & Business. In the past decades, there is a continuous development of how individuals allocate their free time on leisure activities and trips. Leisure time is what separates an individual's life from work or school activities, mainly focusing on the purpose to enjoy. In most cases, leisure time is allocated during holiday and vacation dates wherein people travel. Tourism is defined as the utilization of leisure time to travel and visit various destinations. It is an activity in which people participate in, but is not considered a necessity for daily living. There is also an evident growth worldwide in regards to economic development in various countries. In accordance to its economical contributions, governments perceive tourism as a channel that offers employment opportunities. In regards to the leisure aspect, it has also defines an individual's quality of life, as it enables one to bask in a more suitable ambiance of relaxation away from d aily activities at work and home. Perez, E.A. (2000). Tourist expenditure for mass tourism markets. Annals of Tourism Research. Tourism is both viewed as a right and an opportunity. The notion of tourism becoming an individual's right is associated with holiday privileges that usually encourage and promote tourism. The opportunity aspect is associated with less privileged nations who employ tourism strategies. Traveling in a global scale has been made easier due to better rates in airlines and tourism packages. People using money on facultative services like travel and tourism has been perceived as an inexpensive commodity as compared to other household allocations. Farrell, B. and Twining-Ward, L. (2004). Reconceptualizing tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. The emergence of credit cards have fortified the convenience of participating in travel opportunities. Apart from that, the development in technology has also made booking flights and hotel reservations easier and faster. In t his regard, tourism continues to be integrated in peoples' lives as an activity one can engage in. Wang, N. (1999). Rethinking authenticity in tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research. Tourism is now deemed as a social construct that modified society from traditional industries of production and manufacturing, into consumer centric based services. Many countries have also taken part in increasing leisure time through holiday entitlements, so that they may be able to involve themselves with leisure activities such as tourism. Wang (1999) had conceptualized a framework that embodies the system applied in tourism that encompasses the tourist, a destination and transportation. It is a cycle wherein a tourist visits a certain destination and returns after a period of time. During travels, people also engage in tours that allow them to visit localities in their area of destination. Bruner, E. (1991). Transformation of self in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. In evaluating touris m, one must consider the following: (1) The purpose of the travel, which can be celebration, annual visits, business or holiday purposes; (2) The duration of the tourism activity; and the (3) projected situations during the tourism visit. The purposes of travel or tourism visit can vary, but it all falls under the motive of pleasure. Tourism is considered as an experience on the basis of seeking

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Asses sociological explanations for ethnic differences in educational achievement Essay Example for Free

Asses sociological explanations for ethnic differences in educational achievement Essay Asses sociological explanations for ethnic differences in educational achievement. 20 marks. Ethnicity refers to shared cultural practices, perspectives, and distinctions that set apart one group of people from another. That is, ethnicity is a shared cultural heritage. The most common characteristics distinguishing various ethnic groups are ancestry, a sense of history, language and religion. Modern Britain is said to be a multicultural society made up of many different ethnic groups. Achievement within education is very varied across cultures, with some such as Chinese and Indian students performing above the average, and African-Caribbean and Pakistani students performing well below average. There are many factors which can reduce a child from an ethnic backgrounds attainment. For instance, Material deprivation. Material deprivation focuses on income inequality and the material problems that are associated with it. An example of such a study is J. W. B Douglas, The Home and The School (1964). He argued that an interlocking network of inequalities existed which operated against many working class students. This included, differential effects of regional and variations in educational provision and expenditure. Also, housing and environmental factors. Which led to chances of access to good primary schools. Therefore, hindering the chance of access to top streams. As a result, minority ethnic children are more likely to live in low-income households. This means they face the problems that Douglas highlighted, the material factors, such as poor quality housing, no working space and even possibly bad influence of peers. One other reason for differences in educational achievement between ethnicities is the basic family life. African-Caribbean communities have a high level of lone parenthood. Actually, it is estimated 50% of African-Caribbean households have a lone-parent . This can mean that many face financial problems, this can lead to lower achievement in school (Douglas’ material factors). Conversely, single mothers can be a positive role model or influence for many young girls, meaning they perform better in education. Another explanation for ethnic differences is Language. For many children of an ethnic minority English is not their primary language. This can be a disadvantage because they may not understand exams as well as others. Also they might struggle to express themselves with limited English. Finally, some teachers may mistake poor English for a lack of intelligence, when actually this could be completely untrue, meaning that a clever child may be let down by the teacher who might not push the student to their full potential. However, you could argue that Chinese and Indian students first language isn’t English, on the other hand in these two cultures it is the norm to learn English as a strong second language. Therefore, they are not hindered by the second language barrier, as opposed to Bangladeshi’s for example. Language was such a big issue that Bernstein (1973) categorised students into two groups. Elaborated and restricted. In the case of an elaborated code, the speaker will select from a relatively extensive range of alternatives. However in the case of a restricted code the number of these alternatives is often severely limited. Bernstein’s work was not always praised. For instance, Labov (1974) argued that young blacks in the United States, although using language which certainly seems an example of the restricted code, nevertheless display a clear ability to argue logically. Their lack of knowledge concerning the subject may reach further than just the exams they have to take. For instance, due to the large amount of failing black Caribbean’s and Bangladeshi’s (a combined total of 41% managed to get 5 A* C grades), teachers may be subconsciously prejudiced against ethnic minorities. This can lower the students attainments in many ways, one is that the teachers give the student lower grades. Another way is that the teacher negatively labels a student of ethnic minority which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy. Racism can also lead to conflict between students and teachers, making learning a much harder task. Lastly, racism can lead to low-self esteem among ethnic minorities. A researcher who studies this was Howard Becker (1971). Becker Interviewed 60 Chicago high school teachers. He found that they judged pupils according to how closely they fitted image of â€Å"ideal pupil†. Their conduct appearance influenced judgement. Middle class was closest to ideal, working class furthest away labelled as badly behaved. As a result you can see, if teachers labelled students on how they look, you can imagine how they would label a whole ethnic race. Another factor for ethnic differences in educational achievement is the ethnocentric curriculum. There are several reasons why ethnic minorities may struggle due to this curriculum. One is that the subjects often focus on British culture; naturally White British students will have grown up with this culture, so they might have a greater understanding of the content than students who grew up in a different culture. Another reason is that the content of the curriculum could lower ethnic minorities self-esteem, this is because often the white character is seen as â€Å"good† and superior whilst the ethnic minorities are seen as â€Å"not as academic†. However, it is crucial not to forget that every ethnic minority underachieves at this level. In fact, in the UK, Chinese and Indian pupils score better grades than the â€Å"White† ethnic race. One of the main reasons for this is the support of the parents. Research has shown that some parents of ethnic minority, such as Chinese and Indian, take more interest in their child’s education, they also encourage their child more than other in other cultures. This obviously leads to higher achievement for the child. Not only the parents play a part. Some teachers may stereotype some ethnic minorities to be intelligent and hard-working. This encouragement and sort of support can aid a student in raising their grades. To conclude, there are many sociological explanations for the ethnic differences in educational achievement, from language barriers to family life at home. However, it is important to remember not all ethnic minorities to underachieve. Rafi Kentafi Lindill 12P.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Theory Of Collective Security In The Un International Law Essay

The Theory Of Collective Security In The Un International Law Essay After it had been established in 1945, when World War II came to an end, the United Nation (UN) adopted the notion of collective security as a security arrangement. This arrangement was to ensure that all of the states under the shadow of the United Nations Organization would cooperate collectively to provide security for one another. However, to a great extent, the structure and practice of the UN sometimes sways from the theory of collective security. In this regard, this essay will first provide a definition of collective security. Subsequently, a thorough analysis will be given of the extent that the UN has been adopting the theory of collective security. According to Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham, The Dictionary of World Politics (Hemel Hempstead, 1990), the theory of collective security is a theory in international relations. According to them nations achieve security from attack by collective military agreements of all nations with each other to join forces against any aggressor. They believe that it is an alternative to balance of power  [1]  . What is meant by balance of power here is that parity of power between nations is contributing to peace, since it hold backs any one nation from being involved in war with another. As a result, weak nations may be supporting common stability by arming, but the strong nations possibly destabilize balance by going on arming. Furthermore, in its research titled Conflict Research Consortium, the University of Colorado, USA defines collective security as a type of coalition building strategy where each country agrees not to attack other countries and to defend them against any other poss ible attacks. The principal line of reasoning is that an attack against one, is an attack against all.  [2]  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  . Collective security theory is different from collective defense which means a coalition of nations which have contracts to protect its own group from outside attacks.   Examples of collective defense are NATO and the Warsaw Pact. On the other hand the UN is an attempt at collective security.   Advocators of collective security believe that it is more effective way to security than individual countries trying to act alone, as weaker countries cannot possibly defend themselves  [3]  . Although collective security arrangements are designed to aid international cooperation, security is not provided by the United Nations Organization for all its members. When United Nations laws are breached, powerful countries are not always judged the same way as weaker countries. On the other hand, some other scholars and diplomats believe that the security concept is misguided. In other words, it is bewildered because it is sometimes misused and even confused with other concepts such as mutual security agreements among the members of alliance such as NATO countries. Thus, practices are not subjected to the United Nations regulations. Not only this, sometimes cooperative security is applied by invading other countries, occupying lands, destroying economy and property and killing people. Thus, it becomes military alliance which leads to military confrontations and accordingly endangers peace and transfers the meaning of collective security to be an aggressive coalition. The role of the UN is activated by the Security Council which responds to the requirements of the members of the United Nations in voting and making decisions. The United Nations Security Council consists of 15 members: five permanent ones and ten temporary ones with two-years terms. The permanent countries are the USA, the UK, France, Russia and China. In theory, the task of these countries includes applying the theory of collective security when there are emerging issues. For example, under Chapter Six of the UN Charter, Pacific Settlement of Disputes  [4]  , the Security Council is entitled to investigate disputes and all other situations which may lead to such disputes. Thus, the Security Council may vote for appropriate procedures in order to keep peace and settlement using all possible ways such as collective security procedures. These decisions can only be made by the consent of at least 9 out of the 15 members of the Security Council members and none of the five permanent members should object or vote against such decisions. Furthermore, it is supposed that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as a principal organ of the UN should be charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. Thus, it should use its powers, according to the United Nations Charter, to establish peacekeeping operations and might be obliged to also establish international sanctions in addition to the authorization of military action. However, such powers should only be exercised through United Nations Security Council Resolutions. For example, under Chapter Seven, the Council has enough authorities to decide what procedures should be taken in case there are some situations where there are threats to peace, breaching peace or some acts of aggression against peace, people or countries. In this case, the Security Council has the power to use armed force in order to keep or restore peace and collective security. Examples of these measures were when there was an armed action by the UN in Korea in 1959 during the Kore an War and the use of coalition forces in Iraq and Kuwait in the year 1991 when Kuwait was liberated from Iraqi Forces. Moreover, the UNs role in international collective security is illustrated by the UN Charter. According to this charter, the Security Council is given the power to consider any situation which threatens international peace. The Security Council can also advise some procedures for peaceful resolution of any dispute. In addition, the Security Council can ask other member nations to totally or partially break off economic relations, sea, air, postal, and radio communications, and even diplomatic relations with any country against whom a decision is taken by the Security Council. Additionally, The Security Council can also use military force if it is deemed as necessary. However, it is sometimes possible to manage and avoid conflicts, by keeping the focus on cooperation  [5]  . Despite what has been mentioned above in regard to the adaptation of the Security Council resolutions and the theory of collective security, member states of the UN and also members of the Security Council have from time to time breached laws and regulations, hence undermining the theory of collective security. Although the United States of America is the sponsor and host of the United Nations Organization, it is the first deviator from its laws including the breach of collective security. According to the UN charter Article 24, in discharging these duties the Security Council shall act in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations. The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII  [6]  . Yet, despite the absence of UN approval, U.S. military forces began invading Iraq from the Kuwaiti borders on the 20th of March, 2003. There was no unified support by the UN to attack Iraq and the Security Council was divided on the decision; however, undermining the theory of collective security, the USA alongside with the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invaded Iraq and brought down the regime of Saddam Hussein in 21 days of major combat operations. With hindsight it became evident that t he justifications used for the war were invalid and were only used to try and legalize the war. The Bush administration, backed by the support of Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister announced the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The Bush administrations general justification for the invasion of Iraq was presented by the US Secretary of State Colin Powell to the United Nations Security Council on the 5th of February, 2003, when he said We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction; hes determined to make more. Given Saddam Husseins history of aggression given what we know of his terrorist associations and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond? The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American peop le. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post-September 11 world  [7]  . According to Blair, the cause was Iraqs failure to take a final opportunity to disarm itself of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that USA and UK asked its government and president to do immediately in order to keep peace and not threaten world peace  [8]  . Two major forces in the world misused power and the notion of collective security and as a result the country was disastrously shattered, resources exploited with a high price of large losses of civilian lives. It became evident that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction There are many other examples of breaching the collective security theory applications and objectives by wrong policies and practices of the United Nations members. For example, the USA invaded Panama in December 1989. Some justifications were given for such invasion like safeguarding the lives of the U.S. citizens in Panama, defending democracy and human rights in Panama, combating drug trafficking and protecting the integrity of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties  [9]  . However with hindsight it became clear that the justifications were not enough to support the invasion and it was a clear breaching of collective security theory. Other examples of the limitations of collective security also comprises the Falklands War, when Argentina invaded the islands although they were considered British. However, there were many UN members who stayed out of the issue, as such an issue did not directly concern them  [10]  . The role of the UN and collective security in general is also evolving given the rise of internal state conflicts since the end of WWII; there have been 111 military conflicts world wide, but only 9 of which have involved two or more states going to war with one another. The remainder has either been internal civil wars or civil wars where other nations intervened in some manner. This means that collective security may have to evolve towards providing a means to ensure stability and a fair international resolution to internal conflicts. Whether this will involve more powerful peacekeeping forces or a larger role for the UN diplomatically, it will likely be judged from a case to case basis. Since the establishment of the UN in 1945, the Middle East has seen the negative consequences of breaching the agreements and arrangements set by the UN. Supported by the USA and some other Western Regimes, Israel has been breaching such laws. Since the voting of the existence of Israel in 1948 by some members of the United Nations, Israel has been continuously undermining recommendations and resolutions of the UN. For example, in 1967 it occupied territories from Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, killing civilians, creating unrest and destroying properties. In this regard, the worst misuse of the UN Security Council Rights has been utilized by USA. When it comes to condemning the illegal actions of Israel, the U.S. uses the right of veto against any resolution which may condemn Israeli actions. Moreover, one of the latest collective security resolutions made by the UN Security Council adopted a sanctions resolution on Iran although there were two votes against and there was one abstention. According to the voters the ban was on Iranian certain nuclear and missile investment abroad  [11]  . To sum up, the theory of collective security implies a security arrangement among which all members of the United Nations share to provide security shadowed by the UN resolutions to keep world peace using all possible approved ways including sanctions and force. Four basic principles of collective security should be adopted by the UN members. First one is that every state should have all relevant arrangements for which it should be committed. Second, when it comes to collective security, the power of using the veto to block any relevant decision should be very limited. Third, sanctions should not harm the people of the country on which they applied and should not harm other countries which apply them especially economically. Fourth, collective security should safeguard the world peace and the security of every country. However, deviations from such principle have been made by many members of the United Nations, mainly the USA. When it comes to condemn the illegitimate actions of one of its allies because such actions threaten the world peace and justice, the USA uses the veto to block any sanction or penalty. Finally, economic sanctions which are supposed to serve collective security often negatively affect the lives of the people of the cou ntry on which such sanctions are applied and not the governments which have enough to fulfill their needs. Collective security is abused by some representatives of nations which call for peace, justice, prosperity and happiness. Although it looks very ideal and great in essence, it is evident that member states of the UN have departed from the theory of collective security to a great extent, especially when their national interests are at stake; thus undermining not only the theory of collective security but also the UN organization itself.