Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wish For a Better Tomorrow: How can I Improve the local community :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7,000, is the number of people in the small town of Lyons, New York. Many people haven’t even heard of this town. Lyons is my hometown, and I will never forget it. I am graduating this year, and my friends as well as myself are moving out! We are all going to college at least an hour away from Lyons. Everyone in my school can’t wait to leave. They hate Lyons, and they say that there is nothing here for them. I believe just the opposite. There is a lot in Lyons to improve, but I will never leave forever. I am having a hard time just leaving this town to go to college. Everything is here, My family, my friends, my house and my school. That means more to me than anything in this world. Lyons isn’t exactly the hipest place to be, it’s sometimes even scary to walk the streets at night. I even remember my mother once saying that about fifteen years ago, she could leave the doors unlocked at night and not have to worry about anything. Now, you have to leave the doors locked in the daytime. I would change a lot of things about Lyons, but never change the way people help other people out in every situation. I would change the community in many ways. One way I would change Lyons is by adding more places for children and teenagers to hang out. As of right now, there is one community center where some people play basketball, but it is really run down, and there is not much to do. I haven’t even been there. One of the biggest problems in Lyons is that kids roam the streets all hours of the day, and I think that if we have something to help minimize that, that is all we need.

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