Monday, September 30, 2019

Reinforcement Theory Essay

Q# 1: Identify the practices of organization that are indicating the application of reinforcement theory? Answer 1. Focus on proper training before giving task to the employees 2. Monitoring the performance of employees. 3. Formulation of procedures, rules and regulations in detail. 4. Strictness in compliance of rules. Q# 2: You are required to suggest some measures of positive reinforcement that can be implemented by the management of Crisp & Soft restaurant. Answer 1. The manager can start a practice to greet the employees and having pleasant conversation with those who came on time at start of day and conduct a small meeting with staff at closing of day and praised and say thanks those who performed good during the day. These practices will decrease late arrivals and early leaver. 2. The management can start â€Å"Employee of the month† award scheme in which at end of every month letter of appreciation along with small cash price will be give to the employee how performed well during the month. 3. A roll of honor board should be maintained at prominent place in the restaurant where everyone can see it. The pictures of â€Å"Employee of the month† pasted on that board. Q# 3: Assess which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of need the organization is satisfying for lower level staff and managerial level staff? Explain Answer As per Maslow’s hierarchy of need, there are following five levels of human needs: i. Biological Need: The basic requirement for survival of human body e.g. food, water, air and shelter etc. ii. Safety Need: Protection from Cold, Heat, Sand, Storm, Earthquake, Animals, Enemies iii. Social Need: love, acceptance, belonging etc. iv. Self Esteem: Respect, reorganization v. Self Actualization: challenging tasks, In case of lower level workers the Crisp and Soft restaurant management is satisfying level 1 by providing free meal and uniform, paying salaries at reasonable rate and level 2 by making HVAC arrangement for workers. In case of management staff, the restaurant management is trying to satisfying level 3 along with level 1 and 2 also, by providing good salaries (level 1), good working environment (level 2) and membership of social club of restaurant to their staff(level 3) where they can attend get to gathers, family dinners etc.

Positioning Strategy Essay

By creating product, service, channel, people and image differentiation Nestle arrives the consumer touch point more easily, effectively & efficiently in comparing with other competitors in the highly competitive food processing market. Product Differentiation : Nestle brings a many of product for target customers. They make available 25 types of minerals in Nido for children. It also arranged Cereals’ and Lactogen 1 &3 for newly born baby exclusively. Now the doctors says these products for child’s to their parents for great & maximum nutrition Nescafe is a product which contains 4 types of categories. They offer Nescafe ice for hot and warm weather, They provide Maggi including Maggi instant; Maggi 2 minutes which Includes and contain various minerals, vitamins and nutrition’s. Channel Differentiation : Nestle reach their products to the customers through their experienced market salesman and transportation. So that their products. are much easy to their customers. Image differentiation Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s logo is totally different from others competitors that are greatly choices by its users. For that way customer easily choose them in the market which is another effective benifits for Nestle products. People differentiation The company has a large number of manpower’s that are highly educated and trained. In Singapore, 400 employees are employed in market Company chairman; They are running this business successfully for a long time. Service differentiation Another advantage for this company is better service for its respective users from its competitors. They provide 24Ãâ€"7 hot line service. High quality checking is providing for its customers. Its marketing dept. and public relation dept. are working for finding out customer’s new needs and response toward their nestle products. Positioning Statement Baby Products To babies who are deprived of proper nutrition,Nido,Cerelac,Lactogen are the very nutritious milk Product that provide you more use full nutrition different from any other brand because these includes different types of vitamin, mineral etc. The strength of Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s brands has given the company an unparalleled position on a global basis across a wide range of product categories. Six worldwide corporate brands, Nestlà ©, Nescafà ©, Nestea, Maggi, Buitoni and Friskies contribute about 70% of the group’s total sales, with the Nestlà © brand itself contributing 40%. These brands are the first choice of consumers around the world, whether as stand alone brands or in combination with product brands such as KitKat and LC1. Nestlà © also owns regional and national brands with which consumers have a close and often longstanding familiarity. These brands enable consumers to express their individuality and to respect their traditions whilst still enjoying the quality of a Nestlà © product and, as such, are key elements of the Nestlà © portfolio. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s brands and products are the focus of continual innovation and renovation so that they will be relevant and appealing to today’s and tomorrow’s consumers. As important as ensuring that our brands meet and beat our consumers’ expectations is ensuring that they are available whenever, wherever and however our consumers Milo, Maggi face, and Nescafe are some familiar names that have been around for a really long time in our lives. They are so close to us that in one way  or another, we are dependent on them, thanks to their mother company, Nestle. We grew up with Nestle as part of our lives, and it plays the role of a loyal partner and witness of our story. In 1865, Swiss chemist Henri Nestle took the lead in the invention of a baby food that combines cereal with milk. It started when a friend with a premature baby was brought to Henri Nestle. The baby could not eat because of extreme physical weakness, leading his parents to abandon him. Kindness led Henri Nestle to decide to care for the child, and feed him by developing their own cereal with milk. This gradually helped restore the baby to health. The good news quickly spread in the local community. Some mothers found that the cereal with milk helped solve the problems of their children who do not drink milk. Later, this â€Å"magic† spread all over the world. A very popular, high-quality food that helps children grow up healthy. In 1867, Henri Nestle decided to create a parenting formula company. He branded his products with his name, which actually when translated in English means â€Å"comfortable† and â€Å"snuggle†; Nestle naturally makes people think of a loving mother feeding her baby, a scene that insinuates a better life. Name and Trademark In 1905, the Nestle Baby Formula Company merged with a food company in the United States to develop condensed milk called Nestle Enrich. In 1949 they purchased another Swiss company, thereby changing their name to the Nestle Food Company. In the early 1900s, the company began to diversify production, acquisition and the establishment of the enterprise around the world. Now, Nestle is the world’s largest food manufacturer with more than 500 factories in more than 80 countries around the world. They employ nearly 255,000 R & D personnel in the world. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s global annual sales reach more than $ 47.7 billion, of which approximately 95% comes from food sales; the main products being instant coffee (Nescafe), condensed milk, powdered milk, baby food, cheese, chocolate products, candy, and instant tea. Overall, the name â€Å"Nestle† did not cost much to think about. Henri Nestle used his own name for the brand and trademark; the patterns of which naturally lead people to relate it with healthy and nutritious products. It does not only have a rich connotation, it is also in full compliance with the basic requirements of the trademark positioning. First, Nestle is significant because it is a strong brand name. It leaves a deep impression with people, generating loyalty. Secondly, the name is a general reflection of its company. Everyone knows the brand name Nestle; Henri Nestle established and strengthened the company’s image; their trademarks become the general public’s perception on their products, synonymous with the company’s uniqueness in the world. Furthermore, the Nestle name and trademarks are closely integrated and conceivable. As a result, Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s brand shows strategic positioning. Human Marketing Strategy Positioning highlights the value of your products and the greater benefits it brings to consumers, stressing its superiority over other similar goods. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s milk powder and coffee has the content and quality of the brand, both related to health and nutrition. Coffee to a large number of consumers brings â€Å"comfort† and â€Å"ease†, as their milk products bring the same for infants. The emotional positioning symbolic of their products to consumers is prominent, using it to arouse consumer sympathy, trust, love and other emotional resonance. The brand adapts to the changes in consumer psychology. The Nestle name and trademarks inject emotion, imagery, and establishes a good brand and corporate image. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s success is a natural result of multiple factors. Implementation of marketing strategy is an important factor. As are production, brand, quality control, and the main raw materials used. Administrative rights are basically in charge of the national companies, they have the right to determine each product’s final shape in accordance with national requirements. This means that it is necessary to maintain fully  decentralized operations, but with consistency. In order to achieve this dual purpose, it is important to maintain a delicate balance. This is a balance between international operations and the local country operations, and also the international and local communication. Proper cascading of information is required in order to properly implement new policies. Nestle has three factors that ensure involvement in the presentation of the company’s strategy, brand marketing strategies and product details: 1. LABELLING STANDARDS – A label standardization which is a guiding document consisting of various elements that clarifies rules and standards. An example of which is the specifications of the Nescafe logo, font and color, as well as various details that measure its proportions. This document also lists the various product label legends; it is recommended that each branch or office use these labels as early as possible. 2. PACKAGE DESIGNMANUAL – The packaging design manual provides a guide that allows a more flexible use of their files. It presents a variety of different ways of using their existing standards. For example, in the form of packaging materials and options. 3. BRANDING STRATEGY – Brand strategy includes the Nestle product marketing principles. These features include: brand personality, image expectations, company contacts, the brand, involved visual features of the other two files, and brand development. Corporate Culture and Solidarity Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s decision-makers recognize that economic globalization has led corporate marketing activities and organizational mechanisms to shift the focus of their work. The marketing department of the company is divided into direct operation, and smaller, multiple operations department. Each of the operations department have the independence and flexibility to operate in the market and make timely contingency decisions, but subject to the overall  strategy of the enterprise. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s module portfolio strategy allows each branch to operate independently in the market, giving them the right to take a unique strategy, but with proper coordination with the company headquarters. Nestle employees have always been a key factor in bringing the Nestle spirit to life. It is this spirit that led Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s development from a rural workshop to today’s world leader in food companies. Their staff is Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s most valuable wealth. The excellent performance of the Nestle Group today stems from the strong efforts and loyalty of employees around the world. As a company committed to producing high-quality food, and creating a better life, Nestle is also very concerned about their employees. Nestle has become an employer of choice because of the respectful relationship formed between the managers and employees of Nestle; it is non-discriminating of any ethnicity, race, religion, and gender, with respect for cultural and social diversity. Nestle firmly believes in a combination of local and international talent played to the best of their potential and ability, in order to provide consumers with quality Nestlà © products and brands whenever and wherever.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Paragraphs Essay

Paragraph 1 A good introductory paragraph. This summarizes the next couple of paragraphs and also has a certain intriguing appeal – it arouses the reader’s curiosity and impels him to read further. The first sentence, however, could easily have been dropped – the second sentence would make a more compelling introduction to the essay. Paragraph 2 Here the writer develops on the thread of diversity. Note that there is an emphasis on aspects that are important to an MBA course (strong analytical skills, math skills, work experience). The writer shows effectively that she has not been ‘wasting her time’ – besides earning a degree, she has earned valuable work experience and done something for the environment. Volunteer work is a strong advantage while applying to an MBA course – universities love people with a social conscience! (To a lesser degree, this is true if you’re applying to other graduate courses as well, as long as you show that your primary interest, now and in the future, is in the field you are applying to). At the same time, it is important that this experience appears genuine – so before making tall claims, make sure that you can substantiate them, preferably by actually doing some volunteer / social work. The last sentence ties the paragraph together. The argu ment ‘my experiences have shaped me’ is invaluable IF you have strong or unusual life experiences and in some cases can also partially compensate for an average or below-average academic record. Paragraph 3 We come to a shift in focus with this paragraph. The writer wraps up the ‘diversity’ thread well. Saying that she has a diversity of experience to offer, ‘among other things’, is a good idea – it implies that there is much more to her, qualities and assets that could not be described here because of space limitations It might have been a better idea to begin the next topic – ‘most important achievement’ in a new paragraph. The abrupt change of subject has a slightly disconcerting effect here. Paragraph 4 While this paragraph is ostensibly an introduction to the problem handled by the writer, it also makes two points, subtly – 1) she had been working in the family firm on a continuous basis and kept her eyes open to spot an area of improvement, 2) she is familiar with popular software packages and very comfortable with a PC. Paragraph 5 The first sentence risks sounding slightly pompous, but the writer’s earnestness comes through after reading the paragraph as a whole. Paragraph 6 Comes across as systematic, organized and thorough. Good qualities for any graduate applicant. Paragraph 7 This paragraph shows considerable maturity and learning from the event. A problem is not solved when you have a solution for it – implementing the solution is usually the biggest hurdle. Also, she realizes that company-wide changes rarely yield instant results, and must be followed up over a period of time to evaluate their effects. The last two sentences show that this project also had an effect on the company management’s thinking. Paragraph 8 Reflective paragraph on what she has gained from the project. She certainly seems to have been the driving force behind the project and it’s an impressive achievement. It might have been a good idea, though, to put in a line or two about how she learned to co-ordinate between various entities to get her job done. Good ending paragraph. Summary This is a mature, well-written application essay. Some of the ideas here are gold mines for other essays – describing how she founding and helping run FOE could be a whole essay by itself, and can be used to show how she used leadership and team skills (see Essay 5 – coming soon). Her experience in assisting in the implementation of an ERP system can also be used as an example of team skills and project management skills. MBA applicants have to write a number of essays for each school. It helps to have a bank of experiences to draw on. Writing a series of essays also means that you can afford to have a limited scope for each essay, and go a little deeper. We do feel, however, that this essay was a tad too limited on the ‘candid description’ of the writer. Diversity of experiences is an excellent point to make, but one more paragraph on other aspects of the writer’s personality would have strengthened the essay. Each application essay should answer the question asked in full. Note, however, that this writer says nothing about any liabilities that might influence graduate work. We have a tricky issue here – must you mention some liabilities just because the question asks for them? Here the writer chooses to ignore them and concentrates on qualities that will be an asset for graduate work. It might have paid off in this case because the essay basically asks, ‘How well are you suited for graduate work’. In an essay question of the type, ‘Discuss your strengths and weaknesses’ such a strategy would not work. Nevertheless, it’s a tough choice to make

Friday, September 27, 2019

Team paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Team - Research Paper Example One of the technological risks associated with Coca-Cola Company (which is a global business) is in terms of the cost. This is the cost of installing the new technology like internet cables. This is a concern especially in most third world countries where internet connectivity has not reached or people there do not know how to use it. This therefore means that the company has to incur extra cost in training the local staff (who are usually the majority) and also costs of installing the internet connectivity cables. The costs may be too high and this poses a risk to the company of having less than expected profits or taking too long to reach the targeted profit and meet the goals (Bouchet et al. 2003). The other technological risk is job displacement. This is common nowadays with the increase in technological inventions that employ the use of machines and not human beings. The machines like for cleaning bottles and packaging carry out the work that previously was being carried out by hundreds of workers. This therefore means that the workers will have to let off and only few to operate the machines will be required. The risks is in terms of the company being sued for terminating people’s contracts which may cause the company millions in damages hence the company ends up running a losing business or has to shift to another country which is still expensive (Bouchet et al. 2003). The introduction of internet in the company has exposed the country to risks of hacking of their systems. Technology has seen the rise in hackers who target the finance and management sectors and hence expose the company’s management and financials. The hackers may be employed by rival competitors or may just want to expose the company’s dealings. Some of these hackers steal money from the company and hence poses a risk to the business. All these risks that are brought about by technology make it hard for it to enforce some new

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Integrated Childrens Services for Asthma Patient Essay

Integrated Childrens Services for Asthma Patient - Essay Example This essay analyzes that implementing the mandates of the programme, ‘Every Child Matters’ is a costly and time-consuming enterprise and the authorities are aware of this fact. They consider this a barrier to the actual implementation to the promotion of children’s welfare. Nevertheless, efforts have been made by the government to allocate adequate resources for the implementation of the programme and in safeguarding children’s welfare (House of Commons, 2005). In considering the above factors, it is important to note that local authorities need to enhance and maintain the links which they already have established with other agencies and individuals involved in the child’s care. These links and networks are essential to the efficient delivery and communication between and among those involved in the child’s care. In strengthening the network, it is possible to assist not just the child, but his family as well. In Elliot’s case, his fath er may also be assisted in the process of quitting his smoking habit in a strong effort towards helping his son. The discussion above sets forth important points under the programme ‘Every Child Matters’ as applied to Elliot who is an asthmatic child. The importance of collaboration was highlighted in this discussion and this collaboration is essential from the members of the team involved in the child’s care – from the healthcare team to the teachers, and even to the police and law enforcement authorities. The importance of this collaborative aspect of securing a... First is communication, where individuals from various disciplines talk with each other; second is cooperation, where there is low key joint working on a case-by-case basis; third is coordination, where more formalized joint working without sanctions for non-compliance is applied; fourth is coalition, where joint structures merge to create new joint identity; and finally, integration, where organizations merge to create new joint identity (Horwath and Morrison, 2007). In effect, collaborative partnerships can be seen in terms of the local and formal contribution, including whole agency collaboration. Collaboration is focused primarily on delivering services for individual users; then it relates to staff working with each other in order to deliver local services; lastly it refers to whole systems collaborating in relation to planning, commissioning, and managing services (Horwath and Morrison, 2007). Governments have now recognized the need to implement an interconnected relationship between the child and the individuals performing the services. With the implementation of the policies of â€Å"Every Child Matters,† coordinated services are now being available from all departments and agencies involved in children’s services. In considering the outcomes of collaboration for Elliot who is asthmatic, the concepts of collaboration includes the cooperation and collaboration of the child’s GP, family members, health visitors (health); and teachers, classmates (school); social services for assistance in relation to financial needs and support. The cooperation of these individuals is needed because their actions can all impact on the child’s health. The lowest level of coordination is related to each individual user. For Elliot, the coordination is

Guillermo Furniture Store Analysis Research Paper - 1

Guillermo Furniture Store Analysis - Research Paper Example The benefits of operating as a sole proprietorship include the fact that Guillermo is able to make decisions without consulting anyone. With this in mind, Guillermo has decided not to merge with other organizations or even to acquire another organization. This led to the consideration of three options – continue as usual; purchase a hi-tech machine; and operate as a broker. However, before any decision can be taken, an analysis of the three options is required. Continuing as usual does not require Guillermo to do anything but to do business in the same manner as before. It is best that Guillermo makes some changes to his current operations. If sales and profits continue to fall then the end result is that the firm would have cease operations. However, with Guillermo’s reluctance to go the way of merger or acquisition closure of the business may be inevitable if the other options are not feasible. Purchasing a hi-tech machine is a very costly option as it requires an outlay of capital. Therefore, Guillermo’s ability to obtain funds as well as the cost of capital has to be a prime consideration. However, there are benefits that can be achieved from going this route. In order to break even, a certain level of sales would have to be achieved. The break-even point is achieved at the minimum level of sales which ensures that the firm neither makes a loss nor a profit. It is a measure of risk that is and s frequently used in making entrepreneurial decisions (Prakash and Deshpande 1982). This is only possible if Guillermo is able to produce furniture at a cost which is lower than the competition. This option of operating as a broker would require Guillermo to become a local distributor for an overseas firm while continuing to manufacture some of the items currently produced. This option will therefore require some changes in the way it has been operating as the main emphasis will be on distribution. This option does not require any capital outlay. An

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tax Cuts and Layoffs in the Economic Times and their Impact in Research Paper

Tax Cuts and Layoffs in the Economic Times and their Impact in Communities - Research Paper Example It is expected that this plan could actually boost the GDP by some 1.25% and the employment levels by 1.3 million in the next year (Kaplan, 2011). However the proposed plan is not without major difficulties perhaps the largest of which is the provision of some 447 billion dollars in order to make this plan work. For one thing, Obama’s proposal could not be tabled while Democrats controlled the Congress so tabling this proposal in a Republican controlled Congress is even more difficult. Furthermore the proposal is considering reducing the net incomes of a large amount of workers who will not agree to such proposals that curtail their employment benefits. The current economic situation is being compounded by efforts on the part of state governments to cut down on employee benefits. Already unionized workers in New York are not ready to agree to such concessions in benefits even if they have to lose their jobs as a sign of protest. Already the government in New York is deposing t housands of workers because they are not ready to accept new contracts that include tax tradeoffs as well as removal of entitlements that reduce their pays by a sizable amount (Economist, 2011). Although the largest union has agreed to reduced pay structures but the second largest union is adamant to accepting these new contracts. Friction is rising as working people are removed from jobs because they demand their right. This indicates that the federal government’s proposed tax breaks are more than just required in order to avert further layoffs which would in turn lead to little else than more recession. When the proposal’s finances are looked at in greater detail, it becomes apparent that the largest contributor to funding is from limiting deductions for upper income earners at some 405 billion dollars. The other components of financing represents smaller figures including treating carried interests as ordinary income (18 billion dollars), limiting oil and gas compan y tax benefits (40 billion dollars) and removing corporate jet tax breaks (3 billion dollars). It is highly clear that the federal government could still increase the chief component of funding if it did not limit the amount of deductions for upper income earners. That would put the federal government in a position to possess greater finances that could be used to stimulate the economy. While it is clear that the federal government has shown interest in creating more jobs by providing incentives and by expanding infrastructure based projects, but this proposal is highly unlikely to get tabled. Even if the proposal was to get approved in Congress somehow, the next problem would be the credibility of the federal government when it comes to creating jobs. The government has always had a poor history of creating new jobs (except the FDR years). At this point in time, tax breaks are required for low income workers so that they can deal with their pervasive state of near insolvency. Howev er it hardly makes any sense to curtail taxes for high income earners who are already finding enough money to spend. Economists argue that the tax cuts provided to the average Joe worker are being saved up and this may even be true but given a few continuous years of savings, these workers will reinvest in the economy in terms of their savings dollars. The need of the hour is to redistribute the money in the economy

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Project documentation, specifications and discussion Essay

Project documentation, specifications and discussion - Essay Example Introduction This project was started following revelations that the current website of 1K bride was lacking some important features while some features were added unnecessarily. These problems were identified mostly by the staff and interested customers. The problems included: Out-dated website: not compatible in some internet browser; ‘internet explorer’ Incomplete website: some categories are left with empty spaces Inconsistent photos: different sizes of photos Repeated information: too much words, too much explanation could cause confusion to clients rather than clarify. Inconvenient search: in need of adding ‘side bar’ function for easier, and accurate search of dresses No search engine services: very limited ways for clients in finding our website Having realized the prospects of a good website, the company endeavored to improve it for greater achievement. The website improvement started a month ago with the first step being the briefing of 1K National Online Campaigner to engage the proposed online developers. This was followed by a detailed discussion of the upcoming project. A benchmarking exercise, whereby there was a comparison between the existing 1K bride website and similar websites. The main objective of the benchmarking exercise was to determine the general users’ expectations and industry standards could be clearly defined. This paper therefore presents the final product of the project starting from identification of the website limitations to the mock-up website. The mock-up program in this report comprise of improvements that reflect the requirements of the company, the expectations of the clients and staff, standards within the industry and elements that are vital to intercultural communication. 1.1 Methodology The following method was the appropriate one in the quest for improving the 1K website. Analysis and benchmarking This is the initial stage of the project. It is all about benchmarking exercise to iden tify the requirements for website development and the ultimate results that ensured that expectations of the clients and the general users are met. Not only the expectations of the general users but even the goals and objectives of the company be met after the improvement of the website. Contemporary professional communication issues The stage focused on the identification and discussions of issues related to professional communication. In particular, the project discusses in details digital literacy and how if affects the development and improvement of the proposed 1K bride website. Implementation of the proposed changes The completion of the first and second steps resulted to the third step which is all about implementation of the necessary changes. In a more elaborate way, this step involves additional of some features to realize 1K Bride organizational goals, redesigning the structure and the content of the structure to meet the taste and preferences of the users, and the elimin ation of the words that does not promote

Monday, September 23, 2019

Astronmy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Astronmy - Essay Example (PEI) 25) Erosional activity is closely related to planetary size and distance from the Sun. Accordingly, â€Å"larger worlds also have more erosion because their gravity retains an atmosphere.† (PEI 30) In addition, the closer a planet is to the sun, the hotter it is disabling rain, snow and ice to occur and effect erosional activity. So, planets close to the Sun have less erosion. In addition, other factors such as planets having liquid water sustain more erosion; and the rotation of the planets contribute to erosion. The faster the rotation of planets, the more susceptible for erosion due to more weather and a stronger magnetic field (PEI 32). Therefore, Mercury, Venus and the Moon share the following characteristics: (1) they are closer to the Sun; (2) they are smaller in size (compared to the Earth) cooling easier and hardening earlier therefore they do not retain an atmosphere; (3) Mercury and the Moon do not have geological activities; (4) it is more difficult for hot planets to retain an atmosphere. In these regard, these planets and the moon do not have significant erosion as compared to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The last days of dogtown by Anita Diamant Essay Example for Free

The last days of dogtown by Anita Diamant Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last days of dogtown is a novel written by Anita Diamant. The purpose of the novel is to express the level of morality of life in the American society during the 19th century. The author reveals life in the 19th century as sad but at the same time thoughtful. The last days of dogtown is a community set in an exotic landscape with a group of different and surprising characters. These characters are depicted as residents who are threatened or damaged by the ill wills of the outside world. Diamant portrays life in dogtown as cruel expressed through poverty and witchcraft. Residents in the last days of dogtown are oppressed by ignorance, poverty, illness and racial inequality. It is set in a dying town in Massachusetts during the 19th century. (Diamant Anita 52)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dogtown was a name associated with a roaming pack of wild dogs. The wild dogs roamed above the hills of a dying town in Massachusetts. The author portrays dogtown as a refuge place from cruelty and tragedies in the world. However, the decline of morality in dogtown presents other small tragedies which are set off by the residents. Dogtown which acts as a refuge from cruelty in the world presents a settlement space in which residents can live without being damaged or threaten. However dogtown does not fulfill its role since it is portrayed as an open prison where residents are faced by prejudice and other negative influences of the outside world. (Rossi, Mark, Howard 75). The roaming pace of dogs is used to illustrate the large number of people spreading rumor around the town about their townspeople. The spread rumours of presence of witches and whores in the town. Although the rumours are of factual their volume increases when more tongues wag around the town. Residents in this town have made it their business to express the most well hidden secrets of their town’s people. Diamant introduces the character in dogtown in a very confusing manner, creating complex relationships among them. These relationships are tested by the ill wills of the American society. The women in this society are presented as witches, whores or with weird behaviors. The man is depicted as brutal and cruel who shows no respect for the women. All the residents in dogtown have suffered different misfortunes from the brutal society. For example, the thwarted love of a free African woman by a local racist. Dog town’s poverty and misfortune pushes them into different destines. Slavery, alcoholism, poverty, sexuality, prostitution and racial tension have been used to create an immoral American society, in which residents are faced with brutal and cruel misfortunes. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The authors major conclusion is that she expresses the possibility of loving even in the most brutal and cruel conditions. In this town, residents behave like a pack of wild dogs, by huddling together with a dedication to survive and live with hope. By coming together, they search for warmth and safety. Although comfort and kindness are hard to find, these people huddle together and are to survive. The author shows the great immorality depicted in the American society during the 19th century expressed in form of alcoholism, poverty, prostitution, racism, sexuality and canine behavior. The author tries to show that people can come together and outcome even the cruelest conditions in the world. The possibility of creating love in such an environment can create harmony by demonstrating kindness and affection. (Diamant Anita 107). Works Cited Diamant Anita. The last days of Dogtown. Simon Schuster, 2006. Diamant Anita. The Red tent: A novel: Tenth-Anniversary Edition. Picador, 2007 Rossi, Peter H, Mark W. Lipsey, Howard E. Freeman. Evaluation: Systematic approach, sage, 2004.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Robert Frost And Nature Themes

Robert Frost And Nature Themes Robert Frost was one of the few leading poets of the 20th-century and won the Pulitzer Prize four times. Frost was a poet from rural New England, but his poems could be related to any part of the world. After college Robert Frost moved to England and published a few poems while there. He closely observed rural life and in his poetry endowed it with universal, even metaphysical, meaning, using colloquial language, familiar rhythms, and common symbols to express both its pastoral ideals and its dark complexities (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 1). Nature is an everyday detail that people infrequently take time to appreciate and sometimes take it for granted; its what makes the world beautiful. In several of Robert Frosts poems like The Road Not Taken, Fire and Ice, and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening they reflect nature, he recognizes the beauty and disaster of it. In the poem The Road Not Taken nature comes into play when Robert Frost introduces to the reader to a traveler that comes to a sudden halt at the site of a crossroad in yellow woods. The traveler of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken is left to think about which path to travel on. Robert P. Ellis states On more than one occasion the poet claimed that this poem was about his friend Edward Thomas, a man inclined to indecisiveness out of a strong-and, as Frost thought, amusing-habit of dwelling on the irrevocability of decisions. After cautiously looking at of both routes, the traveler comes to the conclusion that both paths present a more interesting venture ahead. The traveler tells the reader that the woods are yellow which mean it could possibly be autumn. And looked down one as far as I could/To where it bent in the undergrowth (lines 4-5), this could mean the wood are thick and the road disappears in the undergrowth. The undergrowth would represent the travelers future that is uncle ar by which road he takes. Of the two means of travel, the traveler states that the passing there/Had worn them really about the same (lines 9-10) and both that morning equally lay/ In leaves no step had trodden black (11-12). There is a contradiction that one path is less worn than the other. These lines show us that the leaves have just fallen, and they cover which path was more or less traveled the day before. This line points out that there are times when you cant decide which decision is better. Without a clear solution to the problem, the character is left to think of any future consequences that could occur based on a decision of taken. As a result, the character comes to terms that the final destination is based only by chance and choice, but there are some regrets out the certain rode taken. Frosts work shows the general uncertainty of supposing a different result if another road was taken. The title suggests this feeling of doubt, where the road not taken is mentioned with greater standard than the actual course of travel. Missing the chance to travel both/ And be one traveler (2-3), one path must function as the chosen way and the other the other way, both with no indication of which is the better to travel. As a result, once the picked road is traveled, the other way holds a lingering reminder of what may have been lost just by chance. After a predictable self-evaluation of the travelers life, trying to figure out if he took full advantage of the available opportunities perceived as a frightening challenge for there will always be an ambiguity lingering around the other path. The traveler uneasily comes to terms with reality, and eventually determines the pointlessness on matters of the imagination. So, with a sigh (16), the traveler states that he took advantage of t he opportunities as they were given to him. Taking the chosen path has made all the difference (20). The decision determined the travelers overall course in life to the result that the other road couldve pointed the speaker to go in the complete opposite direction of his destination. This was the first Robert Frost poem I have ever read. The first time I read it I could easily relate to it. I do believe that this is one poem where anyone that reads it will be able to relate to it. I have been met with numerous decisions in like that are life changing. From which college I wanted to go to, to what major I want to study, and to fall or not to fall to peer pressure. All together, I enjoyed reading this poem. I like how Robert Frost compares a fork in the road to everyday life decisions we make. In the poem Fire and Ice Robert Frost compares two elements of nature fire and ice. Fire and Ice is straightforward in its message that emotions become destructive when they are too extreme, destructive enough even to end the world (Explanation of: Fire and Ice by Robert Frost). In the first two lines Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice (Lines1-2) the poem he presents the option to end of the world by fire or ice. He then talks about fire in the next two lines and compares fire to desire From what Ive tasted of desire/ I hold with those who favor fire (3-4). The comparison states that Frost sees desire as something that takes over and brings devastation. In the next stanza Frost then compares ice to hate. This comparison relates to the reader a view of hate as something that causes people to be unyielding, lifeless and cold. Ice also has the tendency to take in things and cause them to crack and break. The final line of the poem asserts that these two vicious forces a re evenly great. Fire consumes and destroys quickly, leaving ashes. In The overview Explanation of: Fire and Ice by Robert Frost it talk about how two opposites like fire and ice or passion and hatred can easily be linked together. While ice or hatred, destroys much slower. It causes objects to become so lifeless that they crack from the pressure created. Frost imagines that the end of the world could be caused by people becoming too strict, lifeless, and set in their way of life and beliefs that the world breaks apart into pieces. Stopping by Woods is a much stranger poem than may appear at first. From the opening lines, we know that the story is being told from the speakers point of view (Whose woods these are I think I know), but we may never bother to consider whom the man is addressing.(Monte). Robert Frosts love of nature is expressed through out the poem with the setting. His perfect description of the woods brings clear images to the readers head. The woods are lovely, dark and deep (line 13) the way Frost describes the wood would make the reader seem like they were there. The feel of Robert Frosts Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is set by the only other sounds the sweep / of easy wind and downy flake (11-12). The first line in the poem talks about the woods. In the poem Frost says that the narrator enjoyed sitting and watching the snow and that he is also a nature lover. In the second stanza Frost refers back to the woods. The depth and darkness of the woods make the woods gloomier. The snow elimi nates the limits and boundaries of things and of his own being is, the function here of some secret desire toward destruction. The setting of the poem is in the woods. John T. Ogilvie explains the peace of the woods by stating The artfulness of Stopping by Woods consists in the way the two worlds are established and balanced. The poet is aware that the woods by which he is stopping belong to someone in the village; they are owned by the world of men. The traveler sees something in the woods that attracts him making the woods a special place. It appears that speaker has connected the woods with his paradise. The tranquility, dimness, and silence are what make it paradise. The traveler knows that he is not able stay put in this paradise, But I have promises to keep/And miles to go before I sleep (14-15).The traveler doesnt want to leave the peaceful woods, but he has made other promises that he must keep. Frost repeats the last two lines and miles to go before I sleep (15-16), this co uld stress the importance of this promise that was made, and to give the traveler a reason to leave. Further, Frost repeated the last two lines of the poem partially as a matter of form: What it [the repetend or repeated lines] does is save me from a third line promising another stanza . . . . I considered for a moment four of a kind in the last stanza but that would have made five including the third in the stanza before it. I considered for a moment winding up with a three line stanza. The repetend was the only logical way to end such a poem. (Hochman) Nature has its own way of relaxing the mind and body. Frost may have believed the same. Frosts use of colorful imagery helps other readers appreciate the serenity of nature. Stopping by Woods is an excellent poem uses symbolism and setting perfectly. I enjoyed this poem and I also like the meaning. This poem is telling you to stop and smell the roses and enjoys life. During winter is a time when most people are lone in solitude. Being isolated can be miserable, but it could all so be a time to collect thoughts without any annoyance of the outside world coming down on you. Nature is something that can bring about personal reflection in anyone. In many of Robert Frosts poems he tends to reflect on nature, and he recognizes the beauty and disaster of it.Robert Frost is an amazing poet. His ideas and the way he uses nature are perfect and are valued by many. Frost uses nature to put across his views as well as to make his poetry more interesting than it already is. His poems make it easy to imagine the setting in your mind through the detail he provides.

Friday, September 20, 2019

International Students And Global Education Sociology Essay

International Students And Global Education Sociology Essay There is a widespread recognition and belief that our increasingly interconnected and interdependent global society mandates that students be educated to develop habits of the mind that embrace tolerance, a commitment to cooperation, an appreciation of our common humanity, and a sense of responsibility. The international students are the future leader of tomorrow. Understanding global issues is critical to the students across the global as they endeavor to promote democratic principles and social justice, improve our economic competitiveness, and provide leadership in the future. However, not enough is being done in public schools and classrooms to expose students to global issues. Research shows that most American students lag behind their peers in other countries in their knowledge of world geography, foreign languages, and cultures ( National Geographic-Roper, 2002). Our curriculum must undergo a paradigm shift recognizing that in order to be truly globally competitive; our teache rs must be globally competent. Educating young people to become global citizens will allow them to learn about the interdependence of the worlds systems, believe that solutions to global challenges are attainable, and feel morally compelled to confront global injustices and take responsible action to promote a just, peaceful and sustainable world. If we truly aspire to have a world-class education that connects and recognizes that what we do affects other humans in the world, we must engage with the world. The challenges that face the world today-from global poverty and climate change to financial systems and conflict-require globally-minded solutions (OMeara, 1997). Knowledge of these skills is necessary so that young people can invent a future that appropriately addresses global challenges. These young international students must gain global competence in addressing international issues as well as gaining the ability to work with people of diverse cultural backgrounds. Teaching for global connectedness should be grounded in the personal experiences of the student and her/his community. Teachers must be able to help students to connect global issues with daily life experiences. According to Ryan and Durning (1997) students ought to consider the impact of their daily consumption (and garbage) on the lives of other people and places in the world; the consumption of coffee, newspapers, t-shirts, shoes, car, computer, hamburger, french-fries and cola are traced from their origins through the inequities of the production process to the consequences of waste products. Teachers must approach global education from different perspectives, says Merry Merryfield, associate professor of social studies and global education at The Ohio State University. For example: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦some teachers have the rationale that, in order to compete in a global economy, students need a global perspectivebut others want to make the world a better place in terms of the environment and social justice. Still others want to promote cross-cultural understanding. Each of these is a valid approach, says Merryfield, as long as teachers emphasize multiple perspectives and global interdependence (Rasmussen, 1998, p.2). Teachers also need to have the competences they are trying to teach students. Our college preps do not prepare teachers to be globally competent. Understanding global issues makes teachers more apt to guiding students in the global challenges that face their countries of origin. Given the fragile state of the world and the level of continued destruction, more emphasis should be given to preparing students to become stewards of the earth and participants in democracy for global social justice. Authentic learning occurs when students from diverse cultures meet and work together, especially when they have equal status and collaborative goals that have meaning in their lives (Johnson Johnson, 1992). Global educators find ways to increase their students experiences with people different from themselves through work with international students from local universities, immigrant organizations in the community, service learning projects, exchanges through e-mail or videos, and taking studen ts overseas (Wilson, 1993). In a 10th grade world history, a unit on the Middle East, some teachers may motivate students by presenting exotic images-such as the harem, polygamy, belly dancing, Arab sheiks, and camel races-and may fail to challenge students comments that stereotype all Arabs as supporters of terrorism or all Arab women as having few rights. But Global educators, however, purposefully address stereotypes and challenge the exotic images and misperceptions that students bring with them into the classroom. They develop lessons to replace misinformation with knowledge of the complexity of cultures, cultural conflicts, and global issues. To begin a unit on the Middle East, for example, a global educator asks students to brainstorm what they know about Muslims, Arabs, and the Middle East and then immediately addresses common misperceptions. When students confuse the terms Arab and Muslim, the teacher helps students map where Arabs live and introduces primary sources for st udents to differentiate diverse Arab cultures and the Muslim world (Said, 1997). Said (1993) ideas on how Europeans constructed the Orient can help students recognize the exotic images of the Middle East in popular media, entertainment, and textbooks, and distinguish them from the materials that people of other countries have posted on the Internet and what local Egyptian, Lebanese, and Iranian students say about their lives back home. In developing an appreciation of the complexities within other cultures, students learn to challenge sweeping generalizations, misinformation, and stereotypes. Global Challenges Sustainable development and climate change People all over the world are struggling with problems of a magnitude no other generation has faced. Even in the most affluent nations, millions of people suffer from hunger, homelessness, and unattended health problems. Sach (1995) opines that wars, civil conflicts and invasions take the lives of millions more. Global changes in the climate are creating severe local weather conditions, destroying lives and property. Well intended projects continue to despoil the land, water and air ( Sach, 1995 p.7). Millions of tons of hazardous waste generated by industrialized countries are exported to non-industrialized areas of the world without regard to the health and environment consequences. Jacobson (1991) says that over three billion pounds of pesticides a year are used globally causing human poisonings, harm to fish and wildlife, livestock losses, groundwater contamination, destruction of natural vegetation, and more pests resistant to pesticides (Jacobson et al, 1991, p. 45). Deforestat ion, soil erosion, destruction of habitat, extinction of species, and depletion of aquifers are but a few of the many attacks on our planet. While natural resources are stripped from the earth, new species are genetically engineered by corporations for profitability and monopolized through complex international patent laws with few constraints for releasing them into the environment. According to Shiva (1997) ancient knowledge of plants and animals, and even human genetic material, are stolen from indigenous peoples and used to generate wealth for a few while the cultures which generated the knowledge are decimated. As these examples demonstrate, human rights and environmental issues are clearly intertwined. A country like Kenya is a prime example of not providing an economic infrastructure to meet the subsistence needs of the communities in the northern part of the country and creating man made famine. Countries with hungry people export grains or feed them to livestock for export. Millions of jobs are eliminated by technology or runaway factories as CEO salaries skyrocket. While the United Nations ratified a Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, more than 250 million children are forced into labor (Sanders, 1997). Enormous resources are wasted on the production of guns and weapons of mass destruction as social programs and education funds are drastically reduced. Projects to solve one problem have created other problems. McMichaels (1993) observes that dams, viewed for decades as creating clean energy and providing irrigation, are responsible for destroying the means of subsistence for millions of people who are forced to relocate their homes (McMichaels, 1993 page 36). Alteri ng the natural flow of rivers, these dams flood millions of hectares of arable land, create conditions for water born diseases and prevent fish from spawning. Aquaculture, heralded as the answer to declining fish and shrimp populations, is despoiling the habitat of other species. The primacy of profit maximization over all other values is the core of both social and environmental problems. Nations and nature are being restructured to meet this primary goal, not to meet the needs of ordinary people or to ensure a sustainable environment. The problems created are global, with consequences for many different countries and communities. For example, when U. S. companies move plants and jobs to other countries to take advantage of cheaper labor, they leave economic devastation in local U.S. communities and undermine the existing economies in the new locations. At the same time, they take advantage of less stringent environmental policies in other countries that allow them to pollute more freely or to use chemicals banned in the United States. Sometimes, these chemicals return to consumers in the U.S. in the imported products. Global problems necessitate going beyond national borders to embracing the concept of global citizenship. By learning how global issues affec t individual and community lives, how and why decisions are made which affect the planet and life on it and, most importantly, means by which the future can be influenced, global education can prepare students to become socially responsible international citizens. The empowerment of women Empowerment of women has been one of the strongest drivers of social evolution over the past century, and many argue that it is the most efficient strategy for addressing the global challenges in this chapter. Only two countries allowed women to vote at the beginning of the twentieth century; today there is virtually universal suffrage, the average ratio of women legislators worldwide has reached 19.2%, and over 20 countries have women heads of state or government. Patriarchal structures are increasingly challenged, and the movement toward gender equality is irreversible. With an estimated control of over 70% of global consumer spending, women are strongly influencing market preferences. Analysis shows a direct interdependence between countries Gender Gap Index and their Competitiveness Index scores and that Fortune 500 companies with more gender-balanced boards could outperform the others by as much as 50%. Yet the Gender Equity Index 2010 shows that significant differences still remain in economic participation and political empowerment. Gender stereotyping continues to have negative impacts on women around the world, and although progress is being made on closing the gender gap in terms of establishing global and national policies, real improvement will only be achieved when conflicts between written laws and customary and religious laws and practices are eliminated. Environmental disasters, food and financial crises, armed conflicts, and forced displacement further increase vulnerabilities and generate new forms of disadvantages for women and children. Women account for over 40% of the worlds workforce, earn less than 25% of the wages, and represent about 70% of people living in poverty. An OECD survey found that women spend more time on unpaid work than men do worldwide, with the gap ranging from 1 hour per day in Denmark to 5 hours per day in India. FAO estimates that giving women the same access as men to agricultural resources could reduce the number of hungry people in the world by 12-17%, or 100-150 million people. Child malnutrition levels are estimated to be 60% above average where women lack the right to land ownership and 85% above average where they have no access to credit. Microcredit institutions reported that by 2010, nearly 82% (about 105 million) of their poorest clients were women. However, many of their businesses are too small to transform their economic status, points out FEMNET. Empowerment of women is highly accelerated by the closing gender gap in education. Most countries are reaching gender parity in primary education, and 50% of university students worldwide are women. Yet regional disparities are high, and UNESCO estimates that women represent about 66% of the 796 million adults who lack basic literacy skills. Although the health gender gap is closing, family planning and maternal health remain critical. Determining the size of the family should be recognized as a basic human right, and more attention should be given to womens health and social support for affordable child care worldwide, including industrial countries, which are facing demographic crises due to low fertility rates. Of the more than 500,000 maternal deaths per year, 99% happen in developing countries, with the highest prevalence in Africa and Asia due to high fertility rates and weak health care systems. Unless providing effective family planning to the 215 million women who lack it is seen as a key component of development, the UN goal to reduce maternal mortality to 120 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2015 will not be achieved. Regulations should be enacted and enforced to stop female genital mutilation, which traumatizes about 3 million girls in Africa each year, in addition to the 100-142 million women worldwide affected by it today. While the prevalence of this in Egypt, Guinea, and some parts of Uganda is at over 90%, communities in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and even in the EU are also affected. Violence against women is the largest war today, as measured by death and casualties per year. While the proportion of women exposed to physical violence in their lifetime ranges from 12% to 59%, a function of region and culture, sexual assaults remain one of the most underreported crimes worldwide, continuing to be perpetrated with impunity. According to UNODC, 66% of the victims of the $32 billion global industry of human trafficking are women and children. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, has 142 parties and 117 signatories thus far, but it has yet to be adopted and enforced by some key countries. Female vulnerability increases during conflict, when sexual violence is often used as a weapon. Recovery from conflict and disaster should be used as opportunities to rectify inequalities. Nevertheless, women make up only 8% of peace negotiators, and only 25 countries have developed National Action Plans supporting UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on womens protection in conflict and participation in peace processes. Reduce the gap between rich and poor? The world needs a long-term strategic plan for a global partnership between rich and poor. Such a plan should use the strength of free markets and rules based on global ethics to combat poverty. Conventional approaches to poverty reduction (technical assistance and credit) that work in low- and middle-income stable countries do not work in fragile countries, which need stability first. Ethical market economies and systems require improved fair trade, increased economic freedom, a level playing field guaranteed by an honest judicial system with adherence to the rule of law and by governments that provide political stability, a chance to participate in local development decisions, reduced corruption, insured property rights, business incentives to comply with social and environmental goals, a healthy investment climate, and access to land, capital, and information. Direction from central government with relatively free markets is competing with the decentralized, individualized private enterprise for lifting people out of poverty (Hersh and . Paterson, 1994 pages 93-94) An alternative to trying to beat the brain drain is to connect people overseas to the development process back home by a variety of Internet systems. According to UNDP, if the WTO eliminated agricultural export subsidies, developing countries would gain $72 billion per year, according to UNDP. Structural imbalances in world trade have to be corrected to assure fair competition, respect of human rights, and labor and environmental standards, as well as efficient management of the global commons and prevention of monopolies. Chinas monetary policy adjustments could help other countries economic development and access to world markets. International students must be exposed to these issues and offer possible solutions in a project oriented instruction. Also as a resource, the native students from these countries provide a rich understanding of how the issues affect their lives. Australia has set up a recruiting structure that gives international students scholarships with a pledge that these students will work in Australia for five years after graduation before returning to the mother country. Relationships are being developed to foster cooperation and understanding. The case study of such programs would enhance students understanding of international connectedness as international students. They can learn that the human experience is an increasingly globalized phenomenon in which people are constantly being influenced by transnational, cross-cultural, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic interactions. It is therefore important international students begin developing a deeper understanding of the worlds economic, social, a nd political issues.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wish For a Better Tomorrow: How can I Improve the local community :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7,000, is the number of people in the small town of Lyons, New York. Many people haven’t even heard of this town. Lyons is my hometown, and I will never forget it. I am graduating this year, and my friends as well as myself are moving out! We are all going to college at least an hour away from Lyons. Everyone in my school can’t wait to leave. They hate Lyons, and they say that there is nothing here for them. I believe just the opposite. There is a lot in Lyons to improve, but I will never leave forever. I am having a hard time just leaving this town to go to college. Everything is here, My family, my friends, my house and my school. That means more to me than anything in this world. Lyons isn’t exactly the hipest place to be, it’s sometimes even scary to walk the streets at night. I even remember my mother once saying that about fifteen years ago, she could leave the doors unlocked at night and not have to worry about anything. Now, you have to leave the doors locked in the daytime. I would change a lot of things about Lyons, but never change the way people help other people out in every situation. I would change the community in many ways. One way I would change Lyons is by adding more places for children and teenagers to hang out. As of right now, there is one community center where some people play basketball, but it is really run down, and there is not much to do. I haven’t even been there. One of the biggest problems in Lyons is that kids roam the streets all hours of the day, and I think that if we have something to help minimize that, that is all we need.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Importance of Clarity in Writing Essay -- Writing Style Styles Ess

The Importance of Clarity in Writing To write a good paper is there a magical recipe to follow? If there is you will not find it in these two books; Williams' Style: Toward Clarity and Grace and Strunk and White's The Elements of Style. What you will find is the elements that should be present to have a successful paper. Of all the styles mention though, one seems to stick out more then the others. This is the element of Clarity. What is clarity, you may be asking? It is simply the process of making your paper clear to the intended audience of your text. This may sound too easy and most of us probably think our papers are always clear, after all we know what we are saying in them. The question is, does everyone else? Both Williams and Strunk and White mention clarity and the importance it plays in the text we read. Williams point out that when we come across a sentence that is not clear our first reaction is "yuck." He goes on to say, "we do not describe sentences on the page; we describe how we feel about them." (17) When I came to this passage, I had never thought of it that way. I had always blamed the passage in some way if I did not understand it. I wouldn't look to see why it wasn't clear, but would think what an awful sentence, not realizing that it is not the sentence that is awful, but the clarity of it. It is clarity that makes our sentences sound correct, which in turn will make our paragraphs sound correct and then our entire paper. If we do not have clarity then it will not matter what we write about, because there will be no understanding in it. This is why we need to follow two simple principles according to Williams. These principles are (1) subjects of your sentence should name the characters and (2) ... ...en. This allows the reader to not feel lost in your paper and will make it more cleared to those who know little on the subject. Clarity is just one of many elements Williams and Strunk and White covered. I believe it is the most important one though, because without clarity, it doesn't matter what your paper is over. You could find a cure to a deadly disease, but if it is not clear it will never be discovered. It will instead represent many lines of words that do not flow together. You may follow all of the other rules set forth by Strunk and White, but it needs to be readable. Clarity is what makes text readable, even enjoyable and allows a text to succeed. Works Cited Williams, Joseph. Style: Toward Clarity and Grace. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1990. Strunk, William, and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mastery Learning

Teaching involves numerous different factors and aspects of learning. Teaching employs different models and approaches in an effort to find the best way to address the needs of students. One such model or appraoch used by teachers is mastery learning. The goal of this paper is to achieve a better understanding of mastery learning through a review of past literature. How is mastery learning defined by the literature? What are the benefits of using mastery learning? How is mastery learning applied in higher education? Answers to these questions will be identified through a careful reading of the information presented in previously published articles regarding mastery learning. Mastery learning, initially, is a theory about teaching and learning. It emphasizes the belief that any educator can aid almost all students to learn excellently. By the term ‘excellently’, what is indicated is the maximum potential of the individual to learn. No matter the inherent differences in characteristics between students, mastery learning asserts that teachers can teach these students to learn in exactly the same way. (Block, 1980) The term mastery learning is also often used to refer to a set of individualized teaching practices that are consistent in their effectiveness to aid almost all students to learn excellently. These practices are divided into group-based and individual-based or teacher-paced and student-paced practices. In the group-based or teacher-paced mastery learning, the teacher is the one who determines the direction and flow the learning process. In the individual-based or student-paced practices, it is the student who determines the direction and flow of the learning process. (Block, 1980) Both types of practices have different developmental backgrounds but both have the same goal, which is to be able to teach excellent learning skills. A more operational definition of mastery learning can be acquired through a look into its mechanisms. According to Ironsmith & Eppler (2007), mastery learning involves a paradigm shift with regard to the definition of failure in education. Failure is not related to the results of an assessment of the student’s ability. Failure, in mastery learning, is related to the feedback a student gets about his or her progress. Mastery learning involves the use of feedback by students in order to supplement any deficiencies in their learning progress. The feedback serves as a director of what material needs to be learned more and also serves to increase the strength of the contingency between the student’s efforts and his or her academic success. The benefits of mastery learning as an optimistic theory are clear. By teaching students to be able to learn excellently, their chances of success in life become higher. The social and individual rewards are great both for the student and the teacher. (Block, 1980) The student is able to acquire skills and abilities that will aid him or her in future undertakings outside the school setting. Students of mastery learning also become motivated to continue the learning process in their lives because of the rewards – either material or non-material – that they receive from their acquired ability to learn excellently. On more palpable benefits, the study by Ironsmith & Eppler (2007) have shown that final exam scores were higher for students in mastery learning classes as opposed to those in normal lecture classes. Also, the benefits were greater for those students with the lowest grade point averages (GPA’s). The benefits came about as a result of the increased mastery of the material discussed. Endorsement to achievement goals that were more adaptive for the students also contributed to the attainment of the benefits. (Ironsmith & Eppler, 2007) Mastery learning also has benefits for the educational system as well as for the educators applying its principles. With the success of the application of mastery learning, teachers are rewarded with the knowledge that their students succeeded. Also, career rewards, praise and acknowledgments from colleagues as well as gratitude from the students themselves are to be expected. These will also serve as rewarding factors for the individual. The benefit to be derived by the educational system from these is the fact that good and accomplished teachers will be retained. Teachers will be inclined to continue teaching as a result of the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards received from the application of mastery learning. (Block, 1980) The effects and benefits to be derived from mastery learning are long term thus indicating a more profound impact on the lives of those who apply it. In higher education students, learning approaches such as the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) (Ironsmith & Eppler, 2007) are applied. These are based on the concepts of mastery learning albeit posing a more structured and organized design. A general PSI class would involve learning modules, self-tests, mastery tests, and feedback from educators. The mechanism for mastery learning in higher education, however, remains the same. It still involves the concepts of approaching instruction systematically, of being proactive instead of reactive, of managing the learning and not the learners, of matching the instruction to the outcomes as well as to the learners, and the like. (Block, 1980) Over all, mastery learning is still in the minority of applied models of teaching. However, its use in classrooms is continuously increasing. (Block, 1980) The benefits to be reaped from application of mastery learning in the educational system are assessed to be great. Also, the principles on which it is founded are sound and, in fact, seem to be a more adaptive way to view the educational system. Investigations into the viability of mastery learning as a learning theory should be continued. Also, more schools should begin to introduce the system into their classrooms. References Block, J. H. (1980). Promoting excellence through mastery learning. Theory Into Practice, 19(1), 66-74 Ironsmith, M., & Eppler, M. A. (2007). Mastery learning benefits low-aptitude students.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ethics and Compliance Paper Essay

The company’s project-oriented approach improved teamwork and leveled the playing field; team culture and corporate culture have been promoted; an innovative spirit has been instilled; and international integration has been improved. In terms of the market results, Lenovo’s adaptation of project management has improved the ompany’s core competitiveness with improved delivery and customer satisfaction. In turn, distinctive performance was delivered: In 2006, the company had a market share of seven percent in the global PC market, led only by Dell and HP. Its total turnover was USD 14. 6 billion, a rise of 10 percent over the previous year. Ethics and Compliance Paper BY bc64762 Walmart is one of many companies who report its filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The purpose for writing about Walmart’s Ethics and Compliance paper is to inform the reader about Walmart’s important compliance processes. SEC filings, analysis of financial statements, requirement for certification and legal proceedings will be explained throughout further reading. Procedures for Ethical Behavior Walmart has an official statement of ethics which is meant to be applied to not only the associates and directors employed by the organization but also third parties. These third parties include suppliers, consultants, public relations firms, contractors and all other third party companies who conduct business with Walmart in any fashion. Due to the fact that Walmart does conduct business in several countries the tatement of ethics may be modified to coincide with the laws and customs of each country. To conform to the statement of ethics written out by Walmart, associates expect to follow the laws written by their city, state, and country at all times. These employees are also responsible for not only reading the Guiding Principles but also understanding and using those principles every-day. Employees do not expect to memorize these policies; however they are expected to learn those that apply directly to their Jobs. If an employee has a question or concern they should not be afraid to sk help from a manager or report any inappropriate conduct. If there was anything to happen and an investigation would take place with Walmart employees, the employees are expected to cooperate with and ensure the investigation remain private and come up front with any news that any employee’s may have. Along with these requirements of employees, Walmart has additional responsibilities for managers to ensure the ethical behavior is conducted. If an ethical issue is brought to a manager’s attention, it is their Job to report this to the Global Ethics Office at the Walmart Corporation. Managers are also expected to meet with their employees as a group to review the Guiding principles and answer any questions that may arise. Managers encourage always putting ethics first in the event that an ethical issue is in conflict of business objectives. It is the manager’s duty to lead by example, and ensure that Just because one ethical mistake is made that this does not continue within their department. Open communication between managers and employees is a must and no issue should ever be put aside regardless of the magnitude. Along with these responsibilities and requirements, discipline is handed own for those in violation. Actions are taken up to and including termination for violation of the organizations ethics policy. SEC Compliance Processes The most important process that Walmart uses to comply with SEC is to make SEC filings in accordance to the law. A sample of these filings can be examined at: http:// finance. yahoo. com/q/sec? s=WMT. This page gives a li st of 8K and IOQ filings made by Walmart with SEC. Also of utmost importance, the finance department at Walmart prepares the financial information and statements required by the SEC like the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements. The company is then financial statements, more disclosures, controls and procedures and other information as required under part B. It is also necessary to provide Other Information relating to the company. The most important process of compliance that appears in the report is the signature certifying that the report is in compliance with Section 13(a) or 1 5(d) of the SEC Act of 1934. The act of signing makes the President and Chief Executive Officer responsible for the information contained in the reports. The requirement for certification makes it important for the CEO and the CFO to nsure that the information contained in the report is correct. Other organization processes are somewhat mechanical. For instance, the legal proceedings, including those against the company need to be listed. The legal department will provide a comprehensive list of the legal proceedings. Three officers, the President and the CEO, the Executive Vice-President and CFO as well as the Senior Vice Preside nt law suits filed against Walmart and the disclosures in the court contains information about the internal proceedings of Walmart. The following web sites offer one the opportunity to examine Walmart’s compliance with SEC requirements: http:// walmartstores. com/lnvestors/SECFilings. aspx or http://www. wakeupwalmart. com/ press/article. tml? article=784. Apart from this, the SEC is responsible for the enforcement of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Investment Company Act of 1940, Trust Indenture Act of 1939 and the Securities Act of 1933. In consideration of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, the CPA auditor of Walmart is required to comment on the internal control of the company. The auditor of Walmart, Ernst ; Young carries out the requisite examination of the internal control at Walmart and makes comments about the internal control at Walmart. Walmart’s Financial Performance over the Last Two Years Financial ratios are used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company. The current ratio, debt ratio, return on equity ratio, and days receivable ratio will be used to identify Wal-Mart’s financial health. The ratios used will be for 2008 and 2009 to obtain a brief look at the company’s financial health. The first ratio is the current ratio. The current ratio tests for a company’s liquidity (Keown, Martin, Petty, ; Scott, Jr. , 2005). The simplest and most basic test for a company’s relative liquidity is the current test, which divides the company’s current assets by its current liabilities. In 2008, Walmart’s current assets were $48,020 million and the current liabilities were $58,478 million for a ratio of 0. 8. In 2009, Walmart’s current assets were $48,949 million and current liabilities were $55,390 million for a ratio of 0. 9. The ratios indicate that the Walmart’s financial health was slightly better in 2009 than it was in 2008. Because a company’s assets may be financed by debt or equity it is important to consider a company’s debt ratio. The debt ratio shows relatively how well a company manages its assets or rather how much of its assets are in the form of debt (Keown,

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Primary Colors

3/7/13 Film Review: Primary Colors The film I reviewed for this assignment was Primary Colors; the film is very closely related to Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. The film stars John Travolta who plays a charismatic southern governor by the name of Jack Stanton. Jack is trying to win the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States. Henry Burton, an idealist is impressed by Jack’s warmth and likeability with the people so he joins Jack’s team as a political adviser. This is an example of material covered in lecture; Jack Stanton’s party was very influential so they recruited Burton.After participating in an intense debate against his democratic rivals, Henry’s ex-girlfriend asks Jack a question about his previous arrest during the 1968 democratic convention in Chicago. Jack’s team of political advisors becomes worried that his blemished past could come into play and effect his chances to win. The team hir es Jack’s old friend Libby Holden and basically keep her on retainer. The presidential advisors hired her in anticipation to womanizing allegations that might surface since Jack was notorious for that.Libby Holden’s job is to respond to attacks that can negatively affect Jack’s candidacy. One of the women Jack was having an affair with produces secret taped conversations of the pair to prove that the affair took place. After finding out that the tapes have been altered, Libby finds the man responsible for the tapes. Libby forces him at gunpoint to sign a letter admitting what he did so the public can see. The campaign team is shocked when â€Å"Big Willie†, Jack’s old friend tells Burton that his 16 year old daughter is pregnant and Jack is the father.They convince Big Willie to keep quiet on the issue. Jack’s team decides to take a different approach to the campaign since they are falling behind in the polls. Jack attacks his rival, Senator Lawrence Harris for being pro-Israel and also for wanting to cut Medicare. During a radio debate, Harris confronts Jack but has a heart attack. Harris later announces that he will be withdrawing from the presidential race. Fred Picker, a former governor of Florida and friend of Harris takes his place. Jack’s political advisors see Picker as a potential threat so they dig up nformation about his past. Henry and Libby discover that Picker had a cocaine addiction as Governor of Florida and it ultimately lead to the end of his first marriage. Henry and Libby also find out that Picker had a homosexual affair. They share their findings with Jack and his wife Susan not expecting them to use the potentially harmful information. Jack and Susan decide to leak the information to the press and Libby in turn threatens to tell about the affairs and reveal the real results of the paternity test that says his is the father of the 16 year girl’s baby.Libby is an emotional wreck and ca n’t believe what kind of people the Stanton’s really are. Libby can’t bear the fact that she has idealized them her whole life and they are not at all what she thought, she commits suicide. Filled with guilt after Libby’s death, Jack goes to Picker and presents all of the information and apologizes for everything. Picker willingly admits to his past and withdraws from the campaign. After everything, Henry is not happy being part of Jack’s team and is thinking about withdrawing from the campaign.Jack convinces Henry to stay and says they will make history together if he stays. Jack ultimately wins the election and becomes president of the United States. The class lecture reinforces what took place in this part of the film. Political advisors/consultants first seek out political candidates to work for just like in this particular film. When Henry tried to quit the campaign after realizing what type of person Jack really was, the Political Candidate w as the one who asked for help.Political candidates are seeking out political advisors/consultants because they can improve their chances of winning an election. This film is a fairly accurate portrayal of presidential candidate Bill Clinton in 1992. Clinton is essentially played by the Southern Governor Jack Stanton. Primary Colors provides an interesting insight on the scandals of Bill Clinton’s presidency. I find it interesting that these political candidates are fighting to be the leader of the nation and they use foul language and engage in questionable ethical behavior.Jack Stanton’s character who is running for president is a womanizer and resorts to Nixon style tactics. Jack believes that if the ends justify the means then it is okay. I can’t imagine a sequel to this movie for two reasons; the first one is the fact that the film is over 20 years old, and the second reason is the fact that neither Hillary nor Bill are in the public eye as much and Hillary Clinton did not win the presidential election. In my opinion, manipulation is the most important theme in this film; the political consultants manipulate the presidential campaign in favor of Jack Stanton.Since the film is closely centered on the 1992 Clinton campaign, I find it to be an accurate portrayal of campaign communication. A sense of charisma may be projected in a candidate’s image, most often through the communication of campaign discourse. Chapter four in our book states â€Å"A charismatic candidate may also be one who conveys a warm and friendly image, who seems genuine and personable, one who is comfortable speaking and who has the capacity t speak from his or her heart†. This definition fits Jack Stanton’s character to a tee. He seemed warm and genuine and he was extremely likeable.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Education and Formal Agencies Essay

Education is a process to develop the intellectual faculties of the man. It makes the civilized, refined, cultured and educated. For a civilized and socialized society, education is the only means. It makes a man perfect. It is systematic process through which a child or a man acquires knowledge, experience, skill and sound attitude. Every society gives importance to education because it is a panacea for all evils. It is the key to solve all problems of life. Derivative Meaning of Education: The word ‘Education’ has been derived from different words. Latin word ‘E’ and ‘Duco’ means to draw out of the inner qualities of the child. Similarly, ‘educare’ means to nurture and to bring up while ‘educare’ means to draw out the qualities of a child to make a complete man. Various educationists have given their views on education. Some important definitions are: Gandhi – â€Å"By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in man – body, mind and spirit. † Tagore – â€Å"Education makes one’s life in harmony with all existence. † Dr. Zakir Husain – â€Å"Education is the process of the individual mind, getting to its full possible development. † Aristotle- â€Å"Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body. † Rousseau- â€Å"Education is the child’s development from within. † Spencer- â€Å"Education is complete living. † It can be estimated that education is a comprehensive term and it reflects one’s day-to-day life and an essential aspect for perfect balanced personality development. On other hand, the meaning of education can be understood from the narrower and broader point of view. Narrower meaning implies education is limited in educational institutions and broader meaning refers to life-long comprehensive process of education. Nature of Education: As the meaning of education, so its nature which is very complex. The natures of education are: (a) Education is life-long process- Education is life long process because every stage of life of an individual is important from educational point. (b) Education is a systematic process- It refers to transact its activities through a systematic institution and regulation. (c) Education is development of individual and the society- It is called a force for social development, which brings improvement in every aspect in the society. (d) Education is modification of behavior- Human behavior is modified and improved through educational process. (e) Education is a training- Human senses, mind, behavior, activities; skills are trained in a constructive and socially desirable way. (f) Education is instruction and direction- It directs and instructs an individual to fulfill his desires and needs for exaltation of his whole personality. (g) Education is life- Life without education is meaningless and like the life of a beast. Every aspect and incident needs education for its sound development. (h) Education is continuous reconstruction of our experiences- As per the definition of John Dewey education reconstructs and remodels our experiences towards socially desirable way. (i) Education is a power and treasure in human being through which he is entitled as the supreme master on the earth. Therefore, the role of education is countless for a perfect society and man. It is necessary for every society and nation to bring holistic happiness and prosperity to its individuals. Educational agencies are the means to achieve some goal. The role and goal of agencies of education are the impart different types of education. An individual acquires knowledge and experiences through different ways. So these sources and ways of learning take place in different institution which exercise an educational influence on the child. So the agencies of education are called the chief communicating agents between individual and the goal of education. According, to the role, educational agencies are two types- Active and Passive and according to their form they are of three types i. e. formal, informal and non-formal. These types of agencies are explained in the following ways. (1) Active Agencies: Active agencies are those where both educator and educed are active participants. The action and reactions are entertained. The school, home, family are considered as the active agencies of education. Learning is a two-way process. Interaction is lively. (2) Passive agencies: Passive agencies are those which influence the learners but they are not influenced in return. The teaching-learning process is one way. These create public opinion and public control. If the leaner is interested he may learn. Radio, TV, press, Library are the examples of passive agencies. (3) Formal agencies: Formal agencies are more or less deliberately set up by the society. It has specific objectives, curriculum, examination system, etc. These are formal because they are pre-planned. The place and time are fixed. School, college, university are the examples of formal agencies of education. (4) Informal agencies: There are agencies which grow up spontaneously and also dissolve in the same way. They observe no formalities. They indirectly impart education. If one is interested one can learn. They include family, society, playground, professional organizations, youth activity groups, etc. (5) Non-formal agencies: It is the recent concept used in India. It helps the formal agencies of education. Those who are not getting chance in formal agencies of education like schools, colleges and universities may go through the non-formal agencies of education. The programmes are meant for out of school youths, adults, and women. Correspondence course, Open University and adult education include in the non-formal agencies of education.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Interview protocol asginment for communication interviewing class, Coursework - 1

Interview protocol asginment for communication interviewing class, - Coursework Example My duties as an Advertiser designer will include planning and organizing events of different words, photos and illustrations in the Independent. This must be eye catching to attract a wide audience to read the daily. I will also be involved in putting the portfolios together in the Newspaper to provide a presentable outline to the readers. Finally, I will be required to have excellent persuasive communication and social skills that will be essential in presenting a good storyline of adverts to the readers. Other positions that I will highly associate with to produce presentable adverts to the audience include the multimedia department in providing me with better images or photos for the advertisement. The editorial staff for providing a good story storyline for the advertisements. The staff photographer is also important in advertising and will be useful in providing me with information relating to different products being put on ads. I will also be associated with type consultant to provide a credible material to the audience where he will give reasonable advice on the advertisements. The webmaster will also help me in uploading my adverts on the web, and will need to communicate with him regularly on completion of my work. Finally and most important, is the Advertising director who will have to review my work after completion before presenting to the editors, and the webmaster for publication of the material to the audience. My greatest accomplishment so far, is that during my University education, I managed to qualify with an AA, which places me in a better position in the job market. I have also attended internship opportunities while in college meaning I have gained some experience in the job position. During my University life, I was the president of the journalism club and thus gained a lot in communication skills. In the club, we managed to write articles some of them have been published and recognized which was a great achievement with other

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reflecting on creative writing piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflecting on creative writing piece - Essay Example As his mother approached, Till dropped his eyes automatically back to the simultaneous equations he was working on. â€Å"When I am older† he thought, â€Å"and when I am done with school I will train to be an astronaut and go out looking for Goldilocks planets across the galaxy.† Till’s eyes wandered away from the numbers and looked out of the window. The sun sat fixed and still in his place, casting his cool red glow over the world, as if to say, yes young man, one day you will train for the fleet and join the Goldilocks expeditionary force in search of worlds beyond even your imagination. The object that I used as my starting point was the phrase â€Å"Goldilocks planet† and an artist’s rendering of a discovery announced on 30th Sept 2010 of the first truly earth like planet which has just the right conditions for life. I decided I would write about this from the point of view of the new planet, not from earth, but I wanted to keep this fact in suspense, and create an impression at first that the writing was from a human and earth- bound perspective. I tried to make the opening as normal as possible, so I chose a kid sitting at a breakfast bar, in front of a tv screen, half doing his homework and half watching tv. My first draft contained phrases that referred to time, for example, â€Å"has been announced this morning† and â€Å"One day, when I am done with school† but when I read the text over, I realised that time is all relative to the sun and the earth, and that in a different solar system there would not necessarily be days or mornin gs, since this new Goldilocks discovery apparently faces its dwarf star sun all the time and does not rotate. I took out these references and made them general. Then I checked for consistency and changed all the color references too, making them applicable to a spectrum dominated by red. I learned that science fiction is

Intership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intership - Essay Example This report paper will seek to describe my experience, challenges, and recommendations in my tasks and responsibilities while serving at Second Harvest food Bank. Second Harvest is an organization that deals with strategies and programs targeting local hunger. It operates in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Its operations began in 1974 and have grown over the years to the largest food store in the region. It supplies food to nearly a quarter of the county population of which almost half of the supply is fresh farm produce. The organization purposely advices families about nutrition and health food selections. It concentrates on distributing food to low income people effectively and efficiently through direct service program and collaborating with a network of non-profit agencies. Some of its partner agencies are shelters, pantries, children’s program, soup kitchen, residential programs, and senior meal sites. Volunteers contribute their hours to perform free service at the organization and get a reward in form of food supplies. On return, these hours save on high costs of personnel recruitment. Such a practice enables the volunteer to practice justice by giving back to the society. I was in a position to understand the struggles other peoples undergo in life, learn how to interact with less fortunate like orphans in the society and how to handle difficulty situations when assisting others. Duties and responsibilities Data entry 68.50 hours Food sorting 39.50 hours Arranging emergency bags 6 hours Helping Second Harvest bank set up its launch 5 hours. Filing paper 4 hours Downloading music 4 hours creating labels for salads 4 hours Working with second food bank needs very little sophistication and mental effort since it did not demand any technical effort. The tasks were straight forward, no need for experience, but basic computer knowledge for data entry were necessary. The tasks involved less of mental energy but more of physical energy. This is beca use I could file papers manually, sort food as well as arranging emergency bags. For purpose of neatness, little mental effort was essential. The preparation of the organization launch needed a lot of time and good planning for it to come out successful and commendable. This is because the organization has many guests and partners therefore; this event took a lot of attention both mentally and physically. My internship at second Harvest food bank exposed me to the world of reality when executing tasks (Barbur et al, 2011). It gave me the opportunity to manage my work and time effectively, ensuring that every task is completed within the set time. I prioritized my work and allocated time according to tasks’ complexity and lengthy. It also gave me an opportunity to improve and practice my computer skills. Working with a computer enabled me advance my basic computer knowledge, learn new programs and even create an interesting working environment, as I could not get bored. The us e of computer made me appreciate the importance of new technology since I could enter data within short time, edit it, and retrieve information if necessary. The application of computer simplifies tasks since summaries are generated when necessary within the shortest time possible. Relating with people at work was my biggest opportunity to practice and enhance people and communication skills learned during my course work. I was able to resolve personal issues and conflicts between workers. It gave me the